Introducing the New Testament, 2nd Edition

A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey

Materials available for professors by request only


15. 2 Corinthians


This chapter should enable the student to

  • summarize what modern scholarship has to say regarding the historical background for 2 Corinthians, including information about the city and church to which this letter was addressed, the possible date of its composition, and the circumstances that prompted Paul to write the letter.
  • identify the key critical issues involving the 鈥渋ntegrity of 2 Corinthians鈥 (that is, the question of whether the letter is a single work or a compilation of multiple letters) and summarize the views that modern scholars hold in this regard.
  • indicate what Paul says in this letter regarding the exercise of his ministry.
  • enumerate key principles of fund-raising that Paul offers in two chapters of 2 Corinthians devoted to the collection he is taking for Jerusalem.
  • describe Paul鈥檚 contest with the super-apostles in Corinth and explain Paul鈥檚 statements about apostolic authority and boasting against the background of that conflict.

Pedagogical Suggestions

1. Multiple Letter Theories

Evaluate the evidence for 鈥渕ultiple letter theories鈥 posited for 2 Corinthians. Divide the class into two groups. Have half of the class open their text to box 15.2 and look carefully at the arguments for multiple letters in 2 Corinthians. What are the arguments? Now, read through the content of 2 Corinthians and identify the places scholars pinpoint as containing 鈥渁brupt changes鈥 or disjointed content. Does the letter read more consistently given the proposed letter joints?

Have the other half of the class read and outline the content of 2 Corinthians. Ask them to look for the themes or images that recur through the letter. What do they find? How do they account for the 鈥渁brupt鈥 changes or lack of transition in particular parts of the letter? Have students pair up and work in groups of four, two from each 鈥渟ide鈥 of the room. The two 鈥渕ultiple letter theorists鈥 will teach the two 鈥渋ntegral鈥 letter supporters; then have them switch, the integral letter supporters teach the theorists what they see in the letter and how the letter works. Is one position more convincing than the other? Is there more evidence on one side or the other?

After the class has had time to discuss in groups, bring the class back together to reflect on what they have seen in their small groups and what they have learned about working with ancient texts. Who has the burden of proof? Are there examples of manuscripts in which letters have been stitched together in patchwork fashion? Do other letters of Paul have a similar patchwork character?


Here is another theory students can 鈥渢est鈥 in the laboratory of the classroom. Are there multiple letters edited together in 2 Corinthians? To test this theory, students analyze the rhetorical unity of the text, as well as the thematic contents and structures, and weigh the evidence in discussion.

2. Unity of the Body

Read through 2 Corinthians and identify all of the language of shared unity. For example: 鈥測ou are in our hearts, to die together and to live together鈥 (7:3), 鈥渇or our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God鈥 (5:21), 鈥渇or I am confident about all of you, that my joy would be the joy of all of you鈥 (2:3), and 鈥渂y the generosity of your sharing with them and with all others, while they long for you and pray for you鈥 (9:13鈥14). What do students notice about the levels and layers of unity and sharing Paul describes, points to, and exhorts in this letter? Having read 1 Corinthians, what might prompt Paul鈥檚 use of unity language? And, if Paul鈥檚 two main concerns in this letter are his own reconciliation with the Corinthians and the collection of funds from Gentile Christians for the Jewish Christians in Jerusalem to demonstrate God鈥檚 reconciling of all people, how does the language of unity function to support these two concerns?


Exercise 2 can provide further information for the debate in exercise 1. This approach invites students to work through the letter in relation to the theme of unity, combined with the rhetorical analysis students have learned鈥攈ow certain themes may function to address various problems.

Discussion Prompts

  1. Identify examples of humility and weakness in 2 Corinthians. Do these examples recur throughout the entire letter? What is Paul鈥檚 understanding of 鈥渉umility鈥 and 鈥渨eakness鈥 and of their opposites 鈥済lory鈥 and 鈥減ower鈥? How do the themes of humility and weakness bind the entire composition together?
  2. Why does Paul refer to 鈥渂oasting鈥 in so much of this letter, and how does he apply the idea of boasting to so many different topics?
  3. Are there themes that connect 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians? Or do the letters treat very different situations?
  4. Reread 2 Corinthians 8鈥9, where Paul argues in support of a financial collection for the poor in Jerusalem. What does the collection symbolize or signify for Paul? How is this collection a 鈥渢hank-you gift鈥 from the Gentile Christian churches to the Jewish-Christian assemblies in Jerusalem? What did Jerusalem do for Corinth and why give a 鈥渢hank-you gift鈥? Do we have similar kinds of economic packages today? Is there a situation today where such a collection or exchange between people of different ethnic backgrounds, or geographical backgrounds, would be appropriate? Is this a useful model in other spheres of modern life (the world bank, survivors of war atrocities or genocide, Nobel Peace prizes)?

Explore Readings

These readings provide a chance for your students to explore the New Testament in more depth. The boxes from the text are included here, as well as bibliographies and outlines for the books of the New Testament.

All the Explore readings can also be .
