Introducing World Missions, 2nd Edition

A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey

series: Encountering Mission

Materials available for professors by request only


1. Mission in the Modern World

Discussion Questions

  1. What recent events have taken place that might have an impact on missions? What are positive and negative possibilities?
  2. What are the attitudes toward truth among the people in your church?
  3. Do you think things are going to get better for missions or worse? Explain your answer.
  4. Which of the key terms listed in this chapter are new to you? Are there other terms that you would add to the list?
  5. What do you think is the most common misunderstanding about missionaries? What are some ways this misunderstanding could be corrected?
  6. In addition to the ten misunderstandings about missionaries listed in the chapter, what other misunderstandings you have heard or believed?
  7. What reasons do your friends have for not becoming missionaries?
  8. What are some of the things that might stop you from becoming a missionary?


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