Introducing World Missions, 2nd Edition

A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey

series: Encountering Mission

Materials available for professors by request only


3. Encountering Mission in the Gospels

Discussion Questions

  1. Explain why Jesus generally confined his personal ministry to the house of Israel.
  2. In the Gospels, Satan interacts with Jesus numerous times (the temptation, through Peter’s declaration, in the life of Judas, and so on). Based on what you know of those interactions, in what ways might he continue to hinder mission today?
  3. Why are demonic encounters so much more prominent in the New Testament than in the Old? What difference does this make for contemporary mission?
  4. In his Gospel, Mark prominently displays the consistent failures of the disciples of Jesus. Chapter 8 alone has three stories showing this: 8:1–9; 8:14–21; and 8:31–38. Read these stories and discuss lessons that missionaries can draw from them for today.
  5. Is the Great Commission really necessary? Why or why not?
  6. If you were working among a people with no translation of the New Testament and were asked to translate one of the Gospels into the local language, what factors would be important in helping you decide which Gospel to translate?
  7. Jesus taught that the greatest command is to love God with all that we are, and the second greatest is to love our neighbor as ourselves. What is the impact on mission of these two commandments and the order in which they are placed significant for mission?


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