Introducing World Missions, 2nd Edition

A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey

series: Encountering Mission

Materials available for professors by request only


4. Encountering Mission in the New Testament Church

Discussion Questions

  1. Why do you think Paul did not repeat or expand on the Great Commission anywhere in his epistles?
  2. What do you think it was like for Timothy during the earliest days of his work with Paul? (For background, read over Acts 14:1–23—Timothy may have been an eyewitness to these events or at the very least he would have known of them—and 16:1–4.)
  3. Why do you think the apostles appeared to be so reluctant to leave Jerusalem? Are there any situations that are equivalent to that in today’s world?
  4. Why did God use the Antioch church, rather than the church at Jerusalem, to start what became the broadest missionary movement of the early church?
  5. What is the significance of spiritual warfare in mission today?
  6. What do you think are the core (and non-negotiable) components of God’s mission?


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