Introducing World Missions, 2nd Edition

A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey

series: Encountering Mission

Materials available for professors by request only


10. Missionary Preparation

Discussion Questions

  1. In the well-known book Bruchko, Bruce Olson tells his own story of going to a new culture simply trusting God and without any advance preparation. In what ways might this be good, and what might be problematic with this approach?
  2. The 鈥淕oal of Training鈥 section lists six goals. In which area do you feel least prepared and what can you do about it?
  3. Which spiritual discipline is the hardest for you and what can you do about it?
  4. Identify five areas in which every missionary should be trained prior to departure.
  5. What are some professional or technical areas (excluding ministry) that you would be interested in and could benefit from receiving specialized training in while preparing for cross-cultural service?
  6. Assuming you are in school or a training program, what else might you do to be better prepared to serve God cross-culturally?
  7. Your church has just asked you to set up a training program for prospective missionaries. What are several things that you would include as part of the training to do the best job you could? Do not limit yourself to topics鈥攖hink of projects, field trips (be specific!), and so on.
  8. You have been in the field for a few years and feel comfortable with the language, the culture, and the people. A newcomer arrives who has no training whatsoever but who has a big heart for serving Christ. You have been assigned to mentor the newcomer. What are some concrete examples of things you would do as a mentor?


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