Scripture and Its Interpretation

A Global, Ecumenical Introduction to the Bible


18. Latino/Latina Biblical Interpretation

Reviewing the Chapter

  1. What does this chapter understand by the terms Latino, Latina, and Latin@?
  2. How would you summarize what it means to read Scripture latinamente?
  3. What are some of the contextual issues to be recognized in considering biblical interpretation in Latino/a communities?
  4. According to this chapter, what are three ethical responsibilities for biblical interpreters that emerge from the contexts of Latino/a communities?
  5. How and why does reading Scripture latinamente reveal the worth of the stranger?
  6. How and why do biblical narratives of migration reflect and shape the identities of Latino/a communities and individuals?
  7. According to this chapter, what are the future prospects of Latino/a biblical interpretation, and what concerns about the future are raised?

Engaging a Central Issue

Respond to the following claim M. Daniel Carroll R. makes in this chapter (p. 321): 鈥淸Latino/a interpretations] should encourage and empower Latinos/as; at the same time, they might reveal to those of the majority culture areas of systemic injustice and prejudice that must be addressed. They can reorient the convictions of both groups about life, community, and God.鈥

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does this chapter help your appreciation of Latinos/as as a diaspora people?
  2. What aspects of Latino/a biblical interpretation are different from what you have understood to be normative for biblical interpretation?
  3. How might your own approach to biblical interpretation be enriched by Latino/a perspectives?