The New Testament

A Historical and Theological Introduction

Materials available for professors by request only


31. Colossians and Philemon

Questions for Research and Discussion

  1. Give a fairly detailed account of the arguments against the Pauline authorship of Colossians regarding vocabulary, style, and theology.
  2. Give a fairly detailed response defending the Pauline authorship of Colossians regarding vocabulary, style, and theology.
  3. Compare and contrast the various proposals to the 鈥淐olossian heresy鈥 as presented in the chapter. Which one do you find to be most convincing and why?
  4. Discuss the theological emphases found in Colossians.
  5. How do we square Philemon with Galatians 3:28 and other Pauline passages similar to it? How are we to handle passages of the NT that seem to support (or at least not oppose) slavery?