The New Testament

A Historical and Theological Introduction


23. The Missionary Paul

Questions for Review

  1. What information can we glean about Paul鈥檚 travels using only his letters?
  2. Should we be wary of using Acts as a source to understand Paul鈥檚 life? Why or why not?
  3. What is known about the years immediately following Paul鈥檚 conversion?
  4. Where was the term Christianoi first applied to followers of Jesus?
  5. Outline, with some detail, Paul鈥檚 first missionary journey.
  6. Outline, with some detail, Paul鈥檚 second missionary journey.
  7. Outline, with some detail, Paul鈥檚 third missionary journey.
  8. Which of Paul鈥檚 letters may have been written during each missionary journey?
  9. Briefly identify and describe Paul鈥檚 various arrests, trials, and imprisonments.
  10. Which letters may Paul have written from a Roman prison?