The Old Testament

A Historical, Theological, and Critical Introduction


1. Genesis

Bible Reading Guide

  1. How is creation described?
  2. What are the man鈥檚 first words?
  3. Who/what is cursed?
  4. Why is Lamech avenged?
  5. What blessing is given by Lamech to Noah?
  6. What caused the flood?
  7. How deeply did the waters cover the earth?
  8. What bird(s) did Noah send out of the ark?
  9. What was the content of God鈥檚 promise to Noah?
  10. Who was Nimrod?
  11. Why did God confuse the languages?
  12. How did Abram describe his wife to the pharaoh?
  13. Why did Abram and Lot part?
  14. To what did Abram respond by giving a tenth of everything?
  15. What were the boundaries of God鈥檚 gift of land?
  16. What did the angel promise Hagar?
  17. What sign of the covenant is instituted in Genesis 17?
  18. What was the lowest number of righteous that Abraham reached in his bargain with God?
  19. How does Zoar reckon in the story of Lot鈥檚 escape from Sodom?
  20. What did God say to Abimelech in a dream?
  21. With what did Sarah associate the name of Isaac?
  22. How does God provide for the burnt offering?
  23. How much did Abram pay for Sarah鈥檚 burial plot?
  24. What was the first thing that Abraham鈥檚 servant did when arriving at Nahor?
  25. How did Esau sell his birthright?
  26. How many new wells did Isaac and his servants dig?
  27. Where was Esau when Isaac blessed Jacob?
  28. What did Jacob promise God?
  29. To which of Laban鈥檚 daughters was Jacob first married?
  30. What did Rachel obtain from Leah as a means to have children?
  31. What did Rachel take from her father when Jacob fled?
  32. Why did God call the name of a place Peniel?
  33. What topic did Jacob and Esau discuss?
  34. Why did Jacob鈥檚 sons slaughter the citizens of Shechem?
  35. What happened at Benjamin鈥檚 birth?
  36. What was Esau鈥檚 other name?
  37. What was Reuben鈥檚 recommendation?
  38. Why did Judah say, 鈥淪he is more righteous than I鈥?
  39. What happened in Potiphar鈥檚 house?
  40. Whose death did Joseph predict from a dream?
  41. About what was the pharaoh鈥檚 dream?
  42. What did the brothers need to do to convince Joseph that they were honest?
  43. What did Joseph鈥檚 brothers take for the second visit to Egypt?
  44. Why did Joseph demand Benjamin鈥檚 life as a slave?
  45. Why did Joseph forgive his brothers?
  46. What did God promise Jacob at Beersheba?
  47. What happened to the Egyptians under Joseph鈥檚 leadership?
  48. Which son of Joseph did Jacob give the preference in his blessing?
  49. Who is described as a fruitful vine?
  50. Why did Joseph return to Canaan?

Study Questions

  1. What is the meaning of 鈥淕enesis鈥?
  2. Where does the second major section of Genesis begin?
  3. How does Jacob become Israel?
  4. What sort of a figure is Joseph?
  5. How many sources to the Pentateuch did Wellhausen hypothesize?
  6. What is the circular reasoning that occurs in the Documentary Hypothesis?
  7. Following Alt鈥檚 theory, in The God of the Fathers, name some tribal 鈥済ods. 鈥
  8. The two creation stories parallel what in the early chapters of Genesis?
  9. What does the name of Noah resemble?
  10. What does Joseph鈥檚 rise to second in command of Egypt exemplify?
  11. What is the reason for the flood in the Atrahasis Epic?
  12. What part of Genesis identifies all peoples of the known world as equal before God?
  13. How does the Sumerian King List describe the long-lived antediluvians?
  14. From what independent countries are armies threatening in Mari and Genesis 14?
  15. Which person in Genesis appears most frequently in the rest of the Bible?
  16. What does the goodness of God affirm in creation?
  17. What does the garden of Eden anticipate?
  18. What do Abram鈥檚 life in a foreign land and Jacob鈥檚 time at Laban鈥檚 home teach?
  19. If Abraham teaches faith and Jacob hope, what does Joseph teach?