The Old Testament

A Historical, Theological, and Critical Introduction


9. 1-2 Samuel

Study Questions

  1. Which text, preserved in some Septuagint manuscripts, is different from the Septuagint text of 1 and 2 Samuel but is an important witness for early readings of the books?
  2. Why do seventy citizens of Beth-shemesh die in 1 Samuel?
  3. Where does Samuel hold Israelite meetings for worship?
  4. What happens to Saul when the Spirit of the Lord departs from him?
  5. Which Philistine king shelters David?
  6. Where is David first anointed as king after Saul鈥檚 death?
  7. What does David rename Jerusalem after capturing it?
  8. What does Jedidiah mean?
  9. How does Absalom assert his claim to kingship when he occupies Jerusalem?
  10. Many scholars conclude what about the date of the Ark Narrative鈥檚 composition in light of its reference to the departure of the glory of the Lord?
  11. What major theme does Gunn find in the story of King David in 2 Samuel?
  12. Bodi compares the Mari kings with David in the switch from a tribal warrior ideal to what?
  13. What is the source of the most important evidence for the rise of the Israelite monarchy?
  14. With what Hittite document may the History of the Rise of David be compared?
  15. Which mid-ninth-century-BC inscription contains a clear reference to the 鈥淗ouse of David鈥?
  16. According to Kitchen, what are attested between 1200 and 900 BC that resemble David and Solomon?
  17. According to Knoppers, what is different between God鈥檚 promise to David in 2 Samuel 7 and land grants of the ancient Near East?
  18. What does the large building discovered by Eilat Mazar south of the Temple Mount suggest?
  19. What aspect of Psalm 110 appears as a challenge from Jesus to the Pharisees in the Synoptic Gospels?
  20. What do the sons of Eli attempt to do with God?
  21. According to von Rad, what is the 鈥渟pecial field where this control of history operates鈥?