The Practices of Christian Preaching

Essentials for Effective Proclamation

Materials available for professors by request only


3. Preach Contextually

Chapter 3 - Introduction

Chapter 3 - Collaborator Discussion

Collaborator Video Discussion Questions

  1. Kenyatta Gilbert reminded us that even though we are 鈥渟econd-hand interpreters, our own voices should matter in the conversation that is continually unfolding.鈥 What are some of the forces that work against this perspective on preaching and why do you think these forces exist?

  2. Jared Alc谩ntara claimed that relevance is more about presence than about being current on everything. That stated, preachers should not be totally oblivious to the world around them. In what ways should preachers be current? Also, where do you think we should draw the line?

  3. Ahmi Lee argued that a global perspective 鈥渆xpands our view of God and of theology.鈥 If you asked questions like, 鈥淲hat is God doing around the world?鈥 how would that impact your process of contextualization?

  4. Jerusha Matsen Neal talked about how some of the pastors she met with at a conference interacted with members of the congregation on a weekly basis in order to reflect on the previous sermon and study the passage for the next week. How does a practice like this help us get better at contextualization? Why do you think it 鈥渞einvigorated the preaching鈥 of the pastors that Dr. Matsen Neal met?
