31 Days of Prayer for My Child

A Parent鈥檚 Guide

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Between sibling rivalry, keeping children safe, and teaching their kids about Jesus, sometimes parents just want to scream for help!

Well, help is here. Authors Susan Alexander Yates and daughter, Allison Yates Gaskins, are mothers themselves and know firsthand the worrisome responsibilities of child-rearing. As parents, they also know the importance of praying for and with their children, whether or not they know how or where to begin. With all this in mind, Yates and Gaskins have creatively written a simple book that guides parents through thirty-one prayers about down-to-earth issues they face with their children. Organized by day or topic, this book makes it easy for parents to tell God how they're feeling and to ask for his guidance in their lives and the lives of their children.


"As I sat down to read this book I thought to myself, 'I'll just flip to one that fits me and my kids.' What I found was that each one I turned to fit. Some made me smile as I was reminded of my personal challenges, knowing others had them too, and some stirred my heart as I was convicted to pray for my kids in another area. It has been a great tool for me, easy to read, and really deals with the core issues we face as parents. Many times I know I want to pray for my kids, but I'm unsure as to what exactly I should be praying for. This book gives wonderful direction in that area. I also really like the Scripture references and the area to fill in your specific request. Watching God work in our children's lives is encouraging to me, and having a place to write my prayer for them and then see God answer is so wonderful. I may do one for each of my boys and then give them the books when they become parents to encourage them to pray for their kids too.
Another aspect that I really liked about this book is that it reminded me each day what is true about God and His character. It's so good to be reminded of the truth; it seems to get fuzzy in the activity of everyday life. This book would be a great gift for a new mom.
It really is a wonderful book that I think will encourage and help direct parents as they pray for their kids."-Ashley Rainey Escue, mother of Samuel (5), James (4), and Tyler (1)

"It was as if Susan and Alison were in our family room eavesdropping on the intimate conversations and struggles my wife and I experience in seeking to raise our sons to love God. This book will encourage you in the parenting journey."-Johnny Parker

"So often, my prayers for my children-when I take time to pray at all-consist of 'Please help them!' or 'Please don't let me mess them up!' Thank heaven for Susan and Allison who not only offer moms like me concrete, meaningful prayers that we can fit in any time and all the time, but help us tap into the real desires of our motherly hearts. With prayers for dealing with our fears, our failures, our friendships, this collection will guide your prayer life in ways you may have never dreamed possible."-Carla Barnhill, editor, Christian Parenting Today

The Authors

  1. Susan Alexander Yates

    Susan Alexander Yates

    Susan Alexander Yates is a popular speaker and the author of several books, including And Then I Had Kids and And Then I Had Teenagers. A regular guest on FamilyLife Today and other national radio programs, she lives with her husband,...

    Continue reading about Susan Alexander Yates

  2. Allison Yates Gaskins

    Allison Yates Gaskins

    Continue reading about Allison Yates Gaskins