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A Many Colored Kingdom

Multicultural Dynamics for Spiritual Formation

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"The different perspectives brought to this volume by the three authors greatly enhance the plausibility of their argument. . . . A good conversation starter for courses in urban ministry, ecclesiology, and spiritual formation."--Amos Yong, Religious Studies Review

A Many Colored Kingdom explores Christian formation and teaching in the church, with a particular focus on intercultural and interethnic relationships.

Well qualified to speak on issues of diversity, the authors describe relevant aspects of their own personal journeys, presented in compelling narrative form. They go on to identify key issues emerging from their Scripture studies and teaching experiences. A final chapter contains a conversation among the authors as they respond to one another's insights and concerns.

This book will be required reading for those engaged in as well as those preparing for a life of teaching and ministry in our increasingly multicultural world.


"A Many Colored Kingdom is a creative, well researched, and biblically and theologically grounded work. This cooperative effort of three rising scholars in Christian education provides new insights for both theory and practice in global perspective. The book is a pathbreaking work for the mission of faithfully honoring and fostering the multicultural kingdom of God in our churches, classrooms, and communities. It sets a high standard for future scholarship and deserves to be widely read."--Robert W. Pazmiño, Andover Newton Theological School

"Prejudice and racism are critical issues facing the church in North America. How it deals with these will profoundly affect its witness in an increasingly divided and polarizing world. The authors of this book take important first steps in helping us listen to one another and think biblically about the issues that divide us. We must begin to live the gospel in our relationships, for this is a powerful testimony to the transforming power of God to make us a new people united in love."--Paul G. Hiebert, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"A Many Colored Kingdom is a rich book that engages theological, educational, and cultural wisdoms. Although this book is written for evangelical Christian communities, it has much to teach those of us from other perspectives. I learned a great deal from this book. Beginning with introductory stories by its authors, A Many Colored Kingdom shares the sorrows and even agonies of Christians who have experienced disrespect from other Christians. This book not only helps North American Christians to recognize and repent from the cultural imperialism that still marks our understanding and telling of the gospel, but it also celebrates the amazing gift that the many colors in the Kingdom bring to the fullness of the gospel."--Carol Lakey Hess, Claremont School of Theology

"For its honesty and its poignant testimony about multicultural ministry in evangelical churches, this book deserves a place within the ongoing conversation about the role of church education in our multicultural world."--Fernando A. Cascante, Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education

"Coauthors Conde-Frazier, Kang, and Parrett have managed to interlace their respective journeys, theological paradigms, and practical experiences in pursuing and promoting spiritual formation within the unexplored realm of multiculturalism. As a fellow pilgrim on this road, I believe A Many Colored Kingdom is a seminal work, written with great clarity and insight and from real experience."--Ken Fong, senior pastor, Evergreen Baptist Church, Los Angeles

"A Many Colored Kingdom is a treasure trove of insight regarding Christian living and spiritual formation. The authors are real with their readers--attuned to their own journeys with God and culture and emboldened by visions of 'a many colored kingdom.' This book is a gift to evangelical and other Christian communities, contributing to the hoped-for kingdom the authors proclaim and the ongoing conversation regarding Christianity and cultural diversity."--Mary Elizabeth Moore, Candler School of Theology, Emory University

"A Many Colored Kingdom brilliantly engages us with the question of how communities of faith might live authentically in the kingdom of God while defying the racism, classism, and sexism of North American culture. The authors offer a tapestry of biblical, theological, and educational ideas that are powerful, personal, and poetic. This book calls us to address the issues of race, class, gender, and ethnicity with those preparing for church leadership in theological education."--Evelyn L. Parker, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University

"Through its thoughtful yet practical ministry insights, A Many Colored Kingdom can help us move reconciliation to a new level. I highly recommend it."--John Perkins, author and activist

The Authors

  1. Elizabeth Conde-Frazier

    Elizabeth Conde-Frazier

    Elizabeth Conde-Frazier (Ph.D., Boston College), a Puerto Rican married to an African-American, is assistant professor of religious education at Claremont School of Theology.

    Continue reading about Elizabeth Conde-Frazier

  2. S Steve Kang

    S Steve Kang

    S. Steve Kang (Ph.D., Northwestern University), a 1.5 generation Korean-American, is coordinator for interdisciplinary studies and assistant professor of Christian formation and ministry at Wheaton College.

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  3. S. Steve Kang

    S. Steve Kang

    S. Steve Kang (Ph.D., Northwestern University), a 1.5 generation Korean-American, is coordinator for interdisciplinary studies and assistant professor of Christian formation and ministry at Wheaton College.

    Continue reading about S. Steve Kang

  4. Gary A. Parrett

    Gary A. Parrett

    Gary A. Parrett is professor of educational ministries and worship at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and the coauthor of The Many Colored Kingdom.

    Continue reading about Gary A. Parrett


"The different perspectives brought to this volume by the three authors greatly enhance the plausibility of their argument. . . . A good conversation starter for courses in urban ministry, ecclesiology, and spiritual formation."--Amos Yong, Religious Studies Review

"This collaborative volume makes a significant contribution to literature on building multicultural ministry, both in evangelical congregations and diverse classrooms. . . . The call for racial diversity and acceptance made in A Many Colored Kingdom is significant and timely, and there is much here of value for anyone concerned with multicultural teaching and ministry."--David Esterline, Mission Studies

"With three diverse professors discussing spiritual formation, it creates an experiment in which one can explore spiritual formation from different angles, yet bringing all to the importance of reconciliation with one another. . . . It is a well written, thought provoking book with a strong multicultural value. . . . There are solid teaching principles throughout the book with underpinnings of theological and biblical values. Strong support is given with a dynamic approach from three perspectives, yet tying it all together for the advancement of the kingdom of God. This is a must read for every professor as it will allow readers to consider their own teaching and approach to students of varied backgrounds, as well as how to bring community in a greater sense to the classroom."--Dawn Morton, Ashland Theological Journal

"[The authors'] styles and experience are very different from one another, but together they bring a balanced approach to questions of why spiritual formation is needed and how it can be developed in a multicultural church. Their personal stories help us understand how far we have to go on this journey toward fully investing in people who are different from us and yet are brothers and sisters in Christ. . . . For those who are seeking to find ways to enter into the ministry in a multiethnic faith community, A Many Colored Kingdom provides a challenge and words of wisdom for making God's kingdom mandate more of a reality today."--Linnea Carnes, Covenant Quarterly