
Doing a World of Good One Person at a Time

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You can change the world--one life at a time.

Most of us enjoy a quality of life that much of the world could not even imagine. It's easy to live unaffected by the injustices and impossible realities on the other side of the world. The truth is, we know we should help those less fortunate than us, but when the faces of those who suffer are distant and the need feels so overwhelming, where do we start? Where can we make the most impact?

This compelling, story-driven book urges us to open our eyes to the needs of a hurting world and to get involved in realistic, positive change. It's not about guilt, handouts, or charity--it's about justice, compassion, and change.

It's time for us to be fully awake to the needs of a hurting world . . . and do a world of good one person at a time.

Videos for each chapter are available:


"Noel Yeatts's life will awaken yours. Her personal witness to stories of triumph and tragedy will inspire Christians to get out of the pew and into the world."--Gabe Lyons, author of The Next Christians and founder of Q Ideas

"Noel saw a need and was willing to fill it and has written about it in this fabulous book. She realizes that it only takes one to reach one, and in this book you will find her story and others that can encourage you to make a difference to someone's quality of life right now. She also encourages you to find your passion and use it to launch the wellspring of generosity that is in your heart. Go see the need and help fill it. Everyone needs hope, and this is a book of hope for the hopeless, help for the helpless, and healing for those in despair. I've seen firsthand the work that Noel is doing. She isn't a woman just 'talking' she walks the walk!"--Thelma Wells, author, speaker, teacher, A Woman of God Ministries;

"Noel Brewer Yeatts is a global leader. Her work in the world's most difficult places is changing history right now, and after you read Awake, you'll understand why. This isn't just a book. It's a provocation. By the time you're finished, you'll be making history too."--Johnnie Moore, vice president, Liberty University; author of Honestly: Really Living What We Say We Believe

"Sometimes the world's problems feel too big, and we're overwhelmed into apathy. In moments like that you need a clear prophetic voice to wake you from complacency, bringing clarity and focus. Noel is one such voice, speaking with every fiber of her life. She calls us from our preoccupied lives to see the world beyond our shores. It's uncomfortable and challenging, but Noel is not trying to guilt us into action. Her stories remind us that the world is changed by everyday people like us. This book remind us of what is possible for those who dare."--Jo Saxton, 3 Dimension Ministries; speaker and author

"Noel Yeatts is a powerful voice for the forgotten. When God hears the cries of his children, he looks for a deliverer, and the deliverer he calls is you and me. The destiny of thousands is directly linked to our obedience and our willingness to take a risk so that others might live. Awake challenges us to take our eyes off self and to pursue the life we were chosen to live."--Danita Estrella, founder/CEO of Danita's Children and Hope for Haiti Children's Center

"The heart cannot taste what the eyes have not seen. In Awake, Noel powerfully communicates her extraordinary encounters with extreme need and profound opportunity from all across the globe. As a result, this is a book from the heart and for every heart that truly wants to make a difference in today's world."--Daniel Henderson, author of Transforming Prayer

"Noel Brewer Yeatts is doing as much to ease the pain and heartache in our world today as anyone else I know. This book, Awake, is a wake-up call for the rest of us to step up and help make a difference. I encourage you to read this book and then make the commitment that you, like Noel, will be fully engaged in reaching out to help those in need. Please read this book today."--Jonathan Falwell, pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church

The Author

  1. Noel Brewer Yeatts

    Noel Brewer Yeatts

    Noel Brewer Yeatts is the vice president of World Help (, a faith-based humanitarian organization that serves the physical and spiritual needs of people in impoverished communities around the world. She also directs an initiative of World Help...

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