Growing Slow Bible Study

A 6-Week Guided Journey to Un-Hurrying Your Heart

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Slow Down. Grow Deep.

We want to believe that a slower life is possible, but we're afraid of what we'll miss if we don't keep up the pace. So we bend to the pressure and overlook the gifts of rest and slowness. But what if we could grasp the high reward of good things, grown slow?

In this six-week Bible study, Jennifer Dukes Lee helps you

· gain the courage to slow down and enjoy your life
· uncover surprising truths that will help you grow, even in difficult seasons
· lay down burdens you've been carrying and receive God's healing
· find value in the good things you are already growing

This study reveals how land is a picture of our steady growth into claiming the promises of God. The land is more than just a backdrop for the stories in the Bible. It is a central character in the magnificent narrative, from the very beginning when the creator God used dirt to make life on a farm called Eden.

Jennifer weaves these biblical lessons into her own experience of the importance of land, gleaned from her fifth-generation farm. The land--both then and now--teaches us how to un-hurry our hurry-sick hearts.

Includes access to free videos and a leader's guide!


"Living in a culture where a hurried life is considered normal, it was refreshing to explore the lessons Jennifer has learned from the land, and how we can apply them to our lives. I was definitely challenged to live my life with an un-hurried heart as I learn to appreciate the process of growing slow!"

Susan Reeves, groups pastor, Harvester Christian Church, St. Charles, Missouri

"I can't imagine a more timely season for this invitation to examine our pace and choose to grow slow. Through this practical, authentic Bible study, Jennifer is a kind companion on the path to cultivating the soul of our souls. She guides us in preparing our hearts for God to plant seeds that will bring about a harvest in our own lives and those around us."

Kate Cogswell, director of women's ministry and spiritual formation, Evangelical Covenant Church, Lafayette, Indiana

"As a farm girl willing to get her hands dirty, Jennifer is the friend who will dig, plant, and celebrate alongside her readers, encouraging us to pay attention to the season we are in by offering practical suggestions to pull us out of the culture of hurry and INTO the un-hurried rhythm of our creative and cultivating life-giving God."

Tera Elness, speaker and writer

"Jennifer's Growing Slow Bible Study is a timely topic and relatable to all! She is masterful at bringing her personal experiences to life in order to tie together the key verse and weekly concept. Plus, who doesn't love it when someone shares first--such a refreshing and honest style! Her warmth and genuine depth of faith is evident, which I greatly appreciate."

Danae Handorf, programming director, NorthBridge Church, Antioch, Illinois

The Author

  1. Jennifer Dukes Lee
    Christina Waldner of Infini Films

    Jennifer Dukes Lee

    Jennifer Dukes Lee ( lives on the fifth-generation Lee family farm in Iowa, where she and her husband are raising crops, pigs, and two beautiful humans. Jennifer is the author of several books, including Growing Slow and It's...

    Continue reading about Jennifer Dukes Lee


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