Here I Am

Now What on Earth Should I Be Doing?

series: RenewedMinds

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Have you ever wondered what God has planned for your life?

What is God calling you to do and to be? Here I Am helps to solve part of the mystery by distinguishing between your vocation and life stations. Your stations include jobs, situations, and relationships, some of which may change every day. But your vocation as a Christian remains constant--to care about and for God's world in all areas of life. 

Here I Am eloquently explains how to fulfill your vocation as a faithful, caring follower of Jesus. It offers practical ways to strive for excellence, spread hope, celebrate leisure, nurture community, give and receive care, and cultivate a legacy. Discover God's call and participate fully in his renewal of all things by applying faith in every area of your life.


"In this very practical book, the outstanding Christian thinker Quentin Schultze invites us to see all of life as a holy calling."--Charles Colson

The Author

  1. Quentin J. Schultze
    漏 Corriveau Photography

    Quentin J. Schultze

    Quentin J. Schultze (PhD, University of Illinois) is a speaker, mentor, consultant, and professor of communication emeritus at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His many books include Communicate like a True Leader, An Essential Guide...

    Continue reading about Quentin J. Schultze



"Schultze's book answers every question a college senior like me has. I learned that God works through my weaknesses to bring me to a place in which I can serve him faithfully with my gifts."--Nigeria/The Netherlands

"Here I Am is a clear and concise guide that truly helped me to better understand my role in Christ's kingdom."--Flint, Michigan

"Every college student must read this book to gain insight on how to live a healthy, balanced, God-honoring life. It's a healthy perspective on balancing academics and career with others areas of life. I absolutely love this book! I'm going to buy a copy for all my friends entering college."--Elkhart, Indiana

"Throughout my Christian walk, I have not come across such a straight-forward application of God's call for my life until this book."--Dearborn, Michigan

"Here I Am has been a blessing and a gift. It has encouraged me in my journey with God and helped me to recapture my purpose in life."--Grand Rapids, Michigan

"In Here I Am, Schultze gives practical advice on how to listen for and answer God's call in one's life. Its personal message will spiritually encourage all who engage its message."--No ID

"This book puts Christian values into an easy to read format that is life-changing and very challenging to its readers."--Ada, Michigan

"This book taught me what it means to be a 'living sacrifice' for Christ. It motivated me to have a more vibrant faith."--Kalamazoo, Michigan

"This book has challenged me to re-examine my faith and the meaning of being 'a good and faithful servant.'"--Tiffin, Ohio

"Here I Am is an excellent source of information on a fundamental topic so rarely addressed. The text is enriched with illuminating stories which occupy and stimulate the reader's mind long after the book has been set aside."--Illinois

"In his new book, Here I Am, Quentin Schultze manages to both challenge and inspire followers of Christ to more purposeful living."--Gaithersburg, Maryland

"'What on earth should I be doing?' is the big question plaguing college seniors who are just weeks away from graduating. Being one of those seniors, this book truly helped. It didn't tell me specifically 'This is what do to...' like many self-help books. Instead, it gave me a framework on what to do next in my life and what important things I should be contemplating. I felt peace after reading this book because it helped me understand life is so much more than a spinning wheel and I am more than just the gerbil running around it."--Hudsonville, Michigan