High-Tech Worship?

Using Presentational Technologies Wisely

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Many churches use high-tech tools such as videos and PowerPoint presentations in their worship services. But without wisdom, those tools can turn their services more into entertainment than worship. How can churches use technology to effectively communicate meaning? How can technology be adopted to help people connect with God and each other to foster authentic worship?

Written by nationally known communications expert Quentin J. Schultze, High-Tech Worship? takes a careful look at these issues, giving readers practical guidance on the wise use of technology in their churches. An excellent tool for profitable classroom discussion.

"Church leaders need to hear Schultze's call for balance and wisdom in the use of presentation technologies in worship. I applaud his clear encouragement for liturgical wisdom."--Eileen D. Crowley, author of Liturgical Art for a Media Culture


"Church leaders need to hear ... Schultze's call for balance and wisdom in the use of presentation technologies in worship. I applaud Schultze's clear encouragement for liturgical wisdom."-Eileen D. Crowley, author of Liturgical Art for a Media Culture

"[A] great aid in reassessing my own prejudiced view.... I am impressed with both the warnings given and the inviting encouragement."-Doug Lawrence, Minister of Worship, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church

"What a joy to read! A masterful presentation carefully advising worship leaders to allow the Bible, theology, liturgy, and tradition to determine technological use in worship, rather than vice versa: a message greatly needed in the churches today."-Ed Seely, Ministry Resource Center, Calvin College

"This is a delightful read. It is clear that Schultze's views are grounded in sound observations, reality, and extensive personal experience."-Dr. Paul E. Detterman, Calvin Presbyterian Church Louisville

"In High-Tech Worship? Schultze manages to cut a path between rejection of technology on the one hand and excessive use on the other. Technology, he says, should be adapted to worship, not the other way around. His advice is both a corrective and a guideline for technology users."-Robert Webber, Myers Professor of Ministry, Northern Seminary

"Quentin Schultze treats worship with reverence and technology with respect. His careful and attentive writing on these juxtaposed concerns is required reading for all of us who lead congregations in worshiping God these days. Essential and much needed wisdom."-Eugene Peterson, author of The Message

"Schultze demonstrates again why he is so revered as a master of everything to do with communication and technology. How wise and necessary is this short and mighty work!"-Cornelius Plantinga, Jr., president and professor of Systematic Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary

"Quentin Schultze has offered a topography of the electronic landscape that lays ahead for churches. Evenhanded, clear and direct, Schultze offers a helpful tool for pastors, worship committees and building committees as they face the questions of worship in the twenty-first century."-- Dr. Todd Johnson, Dean of the Chapel, North Park Theological Seminary

The Author

  1. Quentin J. Schultze
    漏 Corriveau Photography

    Quentin J. Schultze

    Quentin J. Schultze (PhD, University of Illinois) is a speaker, mentor, consultant, and professor of communication emeritus at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His many books include Communicate like a True Leader, An Essential Guide...

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