How to Read the Bible in Changing Times

Understanding and Applying God鈥檚 Word Today

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How do we read God's unchanging Word in a world that is always changing?

How can words written thousands of years ago in different times and cultures apply to us today? Why do Christians obey certain commands in the Bible and ignore others? Some say commands to greet one another with a kiss or not to eat pork are merely "cultural" but then insist that commands related to divorce, homosexuality, or the roles of women and men apply for all time. Are we just picking and choosing what we want to obey and what we want to ignore? Or are there consistent principles for interpreting and applying the Bible?

How to Read the Bible in Changing Times shows you how to interpret and apply the Scriptures regardless of time and culture. It develops a heart-of-God approach that provides guidelines to

If you have ever struggled to see the connection between this ancient document and your world today, you will treasure this insightful book.


"With a keen scholar's mind, a pastor's compassionate heart, and a teacher's clarity, Mark Strauss has penned a much-needed resource for understanding the Bible today. Your study of Scripture will be enriched and enhanced by this valuable book!"--Lee Strobel, editor, The Case for Christ Study Bible

"The books on how to interpret the Bible are many. Some are so technical that their readership is severely limited; others are so popular that their accuracy and depth are sacrificed for easy rhetoric. Mark Strauss weaves his way between these two extremes to give us a book that is careful, understated, and filled with a great deal of good sense. No one will agree with everything he has written: the subject is too complex for that. But this is a good place to start."--D. A. Carson, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

The Author

  1. Mark L. Strauss
    Louise Ziegler

    Mark L. Strauss

    Mark L. Strauss (PhD, University of Aberdeen) has a passion for teaching the Bible and has taught principles for reading and applying the Bible to students in undergraduate, graduate, and church settings. He is University Professor of New Testament at Bethel...

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