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Integrative Preaching

A Comprehensive Model for Transformational Proclamation

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Integrative Preaching offers a compelling conceptual model of biblical preaching that helps preachers better understand what they are doing when they step into the pulpit. Kenton Anderson, an experienced preacher and professor, explicates the integrative preaching model he has been honing for a lifetime. His fresh, holistic approach aims at whole-person transformation and is well suited for contemporary listeners. The book includes theoretical underpinnings and practical guidance to both instruct students and motivate working preachers. Sample sermons show how the model unfolds in actual sermons.


Part 1: Understanding the Integrative Model of Preaching
1. Preaching Is Integral (Cohesive)
2. Preaching Is Horizontal (Physical)
3. Preaching Is Vertical (Spiritual)
4. Preaching Is Centripetal (Kinetic)
Part 2: The Functional Elements of Integrative Preaching
5. The Story That Engages
6. The Theme That Instructs
7. The Gospel That Convicts
8. The Mission That Inspires
Part 3: The Material Compounds of Integrative Preaching
9. Problems: The Preacher as a Pastor
10. Points: The Preacher as a Theologian
11. Prayers: The Preacher as a Worshiper
12. Pictures: The Preacher as a Prophet
Part 4: The Method of Integrative Preaching
13. Discover the Message
14. Assemble the Sermon
15. Master the Outcome
16. Deliver the Event
Appendix: Sermon Examples
Suggested Reading


"Integration is all about bringing things together. In his book Integrative Preaching, Kent Anderson brings together fascinating insights, drawn from years of experience as a preacher and teacher, in crafting a sermon model that is both cross-centered and transformative in nature. This is a book that will be of value to both novice preachers and veteran communicators."

Michael Duduit, executive editor, Preaching magazine; dean, Clamp Divinity School, Anderson University

"Anderson has found the right balance between proclamation that is bold and proclamation that is appropriately humble. The world lacks both, and in his person as well as his homiletical theory, Anderson models for us a manner of proclamation that is ripe for our current age. The wisdom contained in these pages will not only strengthen those of us who preach, but more importantly make the message of the One we proclaim more accessible and livable."

Javier A. Viera, dean and professor of pastoral theology, Drew University Theological School

"Kent Anderson reminds preachers of an intentional cross-shaped approach to understanding and implementing integrative preaching--and application. God the Preacher speaks through us as we communicate his Word to others, and Anderson widens the lens of sermon preparation for us, enabling preachers to take in a richer appreciation for this important task."

Scott M. Gibson, Haddon W. Robinson Professor of Preaching and Ministry, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

"Too many books on preaching force us to choose between unhelpful binaries: head or heart, reason or imagination, theory or practice, divine or human agency. Not so with Integrative Preaching. Kenton Anderson sets us free from these homiletical entrapments. This book informs and inspires. It is theoretical and practical. It presses preachers to engage the mind and touch the heart. It challenges us to grow in the task of preaching and to rest in the divine assurance that God is the real Preacher who promises to be with us as we preach."

Jared E. Alcántara, associate professor of homiletics, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; author of Learning from a Legend: What Gardner C. Taylor Can Teach Us about Preaching

"In this new resource for preaching, Kent Anderson speaks to those of us who want to give the best of Holy Scripture--and of movemental change now--to our congregations. We are reminded that our learning outcome is formation and true discipleship--preaching is one important means and not the end. Let us all pray for the impact of this powerful new book!"

Graham Singh, executive director, Church Planting Canada; rector, St. Jax Montreal

"Integration brings wholeness to fragmented parts. That's what Kent Anderson's new book does for preaching. Most importantly, he connects preaching to God's great purposes: "God is at work. There is a trajectory to history. The world and all that is within is moving toward God's eternal purpose. That purpose has culminated in the cross. When we preach, we embrace that purpose. Our proclamation places us within the flow of movement God has propelled." If that were the only uplifting and renewing truth, it would make this book worthwhile. But he thoughtfully connects each of the multiple parts of sermon preparation and delivery to this ultimate goal. The result is a hope-filled and energizing tutorial for all who seek to refresh and renew their calling to preach more effectively."

Leland Eliason, executive director and provost emeritus, Bethel Seminary

The Author

  1. Kenton C. Anderson

    Kenton C. Anderson

    Kenton C. Anderson, PhD, is president of Northwest Baptist Seminary and professor of preaching at ACTS Seminaries of Trinity Western University. A past president of the Evangelical Homiletics Society, he has offered www.preaching.org as a service to preachers...

    Continue reading about Kenton C. Anderson


"Anderson brings together fascinating insights, drawn from years of experience as a preacher and teacher, in crafting a sermon model that is both cross-centered and transformative in nature. This is a book that will be of value to both novice preachers and veteran communicators."

Michael Duduit,


"A welcome addition to the extant homiletical literature. . . . There is much to commend this book. Littered throughout are profound thoughts about the preaching task that any preacher--whether novice or master--can readily appreciate. . . . The more I read Integrative Preaching, the more I found myself thinking--this guy knows what it is like to live in the real world and preach to a real audience. What Anderson communicates is not just homiletical theory; it is also very practical, and his wisdom and insight gained over many decades of preaching may instruct the newer preacher, refresh the more seasoned one, and inspire both. . . . I would recommend this work to any preacher who is looking for an all-encompassing model that can inform their preaching, or who are interested in sharpening their approach to preaching, or who are looking for fresh inspiration as they pursue this important privilege."

Andrew Groza,

Journal of Contemporary Ministry