Introducing World Missions, 2nd Edition

A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey

series: Encountering Mission

Materials available for professors by request only


14. Relating to People of Other Cultures

Discussion Questions

  1. What are important things you look for in developing a friendship with someone else?
  2. How do you think those values that are important to you might be viewed by someone from a different culture?
  3. Privacy is a deeply held North American value. Are you ready to give up your privacy? What can you do to prepare for that?
  4. What are advantages and disadvantages of being single in forming relationships in a new culture?
  5. What are advantages and disadvantages of being married in forming relationships in a new culture?
  6. What are some steps you can take to overcome some of the negative stereotypes of Americans held by people in your culture of service?
  7. Being a good neighbor is important in any culture. How will you find out what 鈥渘eighborly values鈥 are important in your culture of service?


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