Introducing World Missions, 2nd Edition

A Biblical, Historical, and Practical Survey

series: Encountering Mission

Materials available for professors by request only


15. Relating to Churches and Other Shareholders

Discussion Questions

  1. How involved is your home church in missions? How important has this been to you?
  2. How do you respond to the argument that missions agencies are external to the local church and should not be the primary vehicle of missionary support and administration—that missionaries should be under their sending churches rather than under a missions agency?
  3. Missions agencies as we know them today are relatively recent—starting around the time of William Carey. They are successful in settings with significant economic wealth in which Christians have financial resources to give generously. However, most Christians today are from settings of economic poverty, and the model of the Western missions agency will likely not work well for them. What types of mission structures might you envision them developing and using?
  4. What excites you the most about church planting movements? What scares you the most about them?
  5. BAM and Kingdom Business Ventures have become very popular. Why do you think that is true? What do you see as the biggest challenge for BAM approaches?
  6. What caught your attention in the section on missionary care? What surprised you?


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