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Introduction to Theology

Declaring the Wonders of God

series: Foundations for Spirit-Filled Christianity

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This systematic theology textbook introduces students to the complexity and beauty of theology as a pursuit of the global church today. It views theology as an ongoing conversation with many voices about the wonders of God that is faithful to Scripture but is also attentive to the wisdom of tradition and the relevance of context.

The book first summarizes the nature and necessity of theological thinking and discusses theological method. Chapters then unfold in creedal order through the various regions of Christian teaching, with units on revelation, God, creation and providence, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, anthropology, soteriology, and eschatology.

This book is part of a new series that reflects the changing face of global Christianity. Series volumes are written by leading Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars who highlight themes of interest to Pentecostal/Charismatic students; however, the books are respectful, appreciative, and inclusive of a variety of church families and traditions. Series editors are Jerry Ireland, Paul W. Lewis, and Frank D. Macchia.

Series Preface
1. Theology, Scripture, and Context
2. God
3. Jesus Christ
4. Holy Spirit, Creation, and Salvation
5. Church
6. Final Purposes
The Bottom Line
Selected Resources


"Frank Macchia's scholarship is unique among systematic theologians as it straddles the best of Pentecostal theology and bears the imprimatur of the finest evangelical thought. This book is a demonstration of the sterling qualities of his scholarship suitably rendered as an introduction to theology and as an invitation to mature theologians to rethink and renew their theologies."

Nimi Wariboko, Walter G. Muelder Professor of Social Ethics, Boston University

"Finally, an introduction to theology that establishes a clear vision that declaring the wonders of God in the wider praise and witness of the church can successfully combine global resources, attentiveness to Scripture and the history of Christianity, and the norms that inform and govern the theological tradition with the language of Pentecostal and Charismatic spirituality and thought!"

Wolfgang Vondey, professor of Christian theology and Pentecostal studies, University of Birmingham

"In his Introduction to Theology, leading Pentecostal theologian Frank Macchia follows the trinitarian order of the Apostolic Creed. He pays particular attention to the third article of the confession--highlighting the Holy Spirit, ecclesiology, and eschatology. The systematic focus of the book is on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the crown jewel of Pentecostal theology. The entire text is characterized by a strong biblical foundation and a passion for accessibility to a broad range of readers. Indeed, the book promotes theology as 'the wisdom that is gained in declaring the wonders of God.'"

Michael Welker, senior professor, University of Heidelberg

"To confront the challenges facing the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements in the future, we must wrestle with the implications of Pentecost through sustained reflection on Scripture and experience. The next hundred years demand a foundation in theology without lessening the focus on mission and experience. This is precisely what Macchia offers with this book. He blends both classical theology and global witness into one text, thereby providing a valuable contribution to the church's life and mission. I will use this book in my theology course!"

Terry L. Cross, dean, School of Theology & Ministry, professor of systematic theology, Lee University

"Who better to declare the wonders of God than veteran theologian, sage, and theological statesman Frank Macchia. It wasn't that long ago that Pentecostal works of systematic theology were simply unavailable. Macchia leads the charge of a generation of Pentecostal and Charismatic scholars now working at the forefront of theological studies and inviting the rest of us in. This is an engaging, hospitable, informed, and deeply spiritual theology that rewards its readers. The final chapter on 'The Bottom Line' will form the start of my own lectures on theology. Students and teachers alike will appreciate this fresh and compelling work dedicated to the love of God in Christ made known by the Spirit."

Myk Habets, head of theology and senior lecturer, Laidlaw College

"Frank Macchia's book is the most readable, thorough, well-organized, historically interactive, and engaging introduction to systematic theology from a Pentecostal/Charismatic perspective that is available to us today! It covers every topic that one might expect and hope to find: the nature of global theology and its sources, God's perfections and triune being, the Son of God's incarnation and atoning sacrifice, the deity and person of the Holy Spirit who creates human beings and re-creates them through salvation, the community and mission of the church, and God's final purposes and our future hope. I cannot recommend this book highly enough!"

Gregg R. Allison, professor of Christian theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; secretary, the Evangelical Theological Society

Praise for the Foundations for Spirit-Filled Christianity series

"The church and academy are finally ready for Foundations for Spirit-Filled Christianity, which relays the insights and perspectives of mature Pentecostal and Charismatic theologians and biblical scholars on a broad array of important theological topics, doctrinal loci, and practical realities. Pentecostal theologians from around the world are now ready to speak in their own accents in ways that will benefit the church catholic."

Amos Yong, professor of theology and mission, Fuller Theological Seminary

"I am amazed at how North American and European Christians continue to ignore the dramatic changes in global Christianity. These changes are not insignificant. They call for serious revisions in the Christian mission, ecumenism, and theological training. One of the most dramatic shifts has been the rapid rise of Pentecostal/Charismatic spirituality. It is safe to say that in all forms of the global church--Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox--people are increasingly seeing themselves as Spirit-filled believers. Unfortunately, colleges and seminaries often lack textbooks that address these changes. This series, Foundations for Spirit-Filled Christianity, is a timely intervention, one that will certainly help to fill this gap."

Cheryl Bridges Johns, director of the Global Pentecostal House of Study and visiting professor, United Theological Seminary

"The Foundations for Spirit-Filled Christianity series rightly identifies the pivotal role of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity in shaping tomorrow's global Christianity and addresses the shortage of resources for training future leaders. The titles of the series will serve this Christian family's continuing growth by providing textbooks for its theological education."

Wonsuk Ma, dean, College of Theology and Ministry, Oral Roberts University

The Author

  1. Frank D. Macchia
    courtesy of Vanguard University

    Frank D. Macchia

    Frank D. Macchia (DTheol, University of Basel; DD Honorary, Pentecostal Theological Seminary) is professor of systematic theology at Vanguard University of Southern California and associate director of the Centre for Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies at...

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