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Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament

Studies in Tools, Methods, and Practice

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In this volume, a leading expert brings readers up to date on the latest advances in New Testament Greek linguistics. Stanley Porter brings together a number of different studies of the Greek of the New Testament under three headings: texts and tools for analysis, approaching analysis, and doing analysis. He deals with a variety of New Testament texts, including the Synoptic Gospels, John, and Paul. This volume distills a senior scholar's expansive writings on various subjects, making it an essential book for scholars of New Testament Greek and a valuable supplemental textbook for New Testament Greek exegesis courses.


Part 1: Texts and Tools for Analysis
1. Who Owns the Greek New Testament? Issues That Promote and Hinder Further Study
2. Analyzing the Computer Needs of New Testament Greek Exegetes
3. "On the Shoulders of Giants"--The Expansion and Application of the Louw-Nida Lexicon
4. The Blessings and Curses of Producing a Lexicon
Part 2: Approaching Analysis
5. Linguistics and Biblical Interpretation
6. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Exegesis
7. Sociolinguistics and New Testament Study
8. Discourse Analysis: Introduction and Core Concepts
9. The Ideational Metafunction and Register
10. Time and Aspect in New Testament Greek: A Response to K. L. McKay
11. Three Arguments regarding Aspect and Temporality: A Response to Buist Fanning, with an Excursus on Aspectually Vague Verbs
12. The Perfect Tense-Form and Stative Aspect: The Meaning of the Greek Perfect Tense-Form in the Greek Verbal System
Part 3: Doing Analysis
13. A Register Analysis of Mark 13: Toward a Context of Situation
14. The Grammar of Obedience: Matthew 28:19-20
15. Verbal Aspect and Synoptic Relations
16. Study of John's Gospel: New Directions or the Same Old Paths?
17. Method and Means of Analysis of the Opponents in the Pauline Letters
18. 1 Timothy 2:8: Holy Hands or Holy Raising?
19. Greek Word Order: Still an Unexplored Area in New Testament Studies?
20. Proper Nouns in the New Testament
21. Hyponymy and the Trinity


"Porter has produced numerous excellent books on New Testament Greek and has shown himself to be a master of Greek grammar, syntax, idiom, and text. In this latest study he draws on his masterly learning and prodigious reading and research in this area to examine such subjects as discourse analysis, structural linguistics, sociolinguistics, verbal aspect, word order, and hyponymy. He also considers such examples as the literary analysis of John's Gospel and a new approach to the Trinity. Porter is always judicious, informative, and creative. I warmly commend this book."

Anthony C. Thiselton, emeritus professor of Christian theology, University of Nottingham

"No one in recent decades has matched Stanley Porter in the breadth of his interests in linguistic analysis of the Greek New Testament. Some have worked on, say, verbal aspect theory or on discourse analysis or on sociolinguistics, but Porter has worked on all three and on several other subdisciplines as well--and this both at the theoretical level and at the level of the exegesis of specific biblical texts. This fine volume is neither an introduction to the subject of linguistics and Greek nor a comprehensive survey of the current state of play. Rather, it provides a score of fresh essays illustrating the innovative and stimulating work of the most prolific scholar currently working in these fields."

D. A. Carson, research professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"Stanley Porter has spent thirty years studying Greek grammar and linguistics. In his Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament we benefit from his expertise. Porter is not only a fine scholar but also an excellent teacher and communicator. Indeed, Porter succeeds in taking the mystery out of linguistics! His book is brilliant in conception and rich with examples and exegetical insight. Students, pastors, and veteran interpreters will benefit from this book."

Craig A. Evans, John Bisagno Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins, Houston Baptist University

"In this collection of studies, most of them previously unpublished, Porter makes a compelling case for New Testament students to familiarize themselves with principles of modern linguistics. For those who already have such an introduction, the book makes an excellent intermediate-level textbook for a class or seminar, and it reminds scholars and commentators of the vast reservoir of largely untapped methods for honing exegesis. Particularly useful are the broad cross-section of methods canvassed and the thorough bibliography for each topic."

Craig Blomberg, distinguished professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary

The Author

  1. Stanley E. Porter

    Stanley E. Porter

    Stanley E. Porter (PhD, University of Sheffield) is president, dean, professor of New Testament, and Roy A. Hope Chair in Christian Worldview at McMaster Divinity College in Hamilton, Ontario. A prolific scholar, he has authored, coauthored, or edited...

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"This volume is the best available one-stop location for surveying and assessing Porter's astounding and growing literary output in the field of study indicated by the title. But the book's purpose is not to showcase production but to show how linguistic analysis of the Greek NT has been and will continue to be fruitful for exegesis and NT interpretation more broadly. . . . This book is indispensable as a source-book for canvassing and interpreting Porter's often distinct viewpoints and for shedding light on the tools, methods, topics, and texts he treats."

Robert W. Yarbrough,

Bulletin for Biblical Research

"A good read. The papers are clear, concise, and lively (as anyone who has heard Porter at a conference will know!). This makes the book rather unusual among those devoted to linguistics, which often head off down lengthy and complex paths that offer the reader limited hope of escape. I plan to recommend some of these articles to graduate students as introductory pieces on topics. I expect that many colleagues will do the same."

Peter Oakes,

Journal for the Study of the New Testament

"This substantial work covers topics ranging from the nuances of the Greek verbal system to the actual payoff of such awareness as illustrated in the translation of specific texts from the gospels and Paul. This work will appeal mainly to specialists in the field--teachers of New Testament Greek and those engaged in translation work or in a close analysis of the Greek text of the New Testament."

Donald Senior, CP,

The Bible Today

"Porter's work bears careful study by students of the Greek NT and by students of Greek linguistics more generally."

Roderic L. Mullen,

Catholic Biblical Quarterly

"This collection . . . demonstrates [Porter's] immense grasp of the burgeoning field of linguistics and his command of the scholarly literature related to that field. . . . There is much to digest in this volume. The chapters are clearly written, though many require a fair degree of prior knowledge of modern linguistics, especially of the SFL [Systemic Functional Linguistics] kind. . . . Porter has provided us with a significant resource that demonstrates how linguistics and a particular linguistic model (SFL) can shed light on NT interpretation."

David L. Mathewson,

Filologia Neotestamentaria