Lost and Found

Finding Hope in the Detours of Life

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Don't let your past keep you from a full future.

Like every girl, Sarah Jakes dreamed of a life full of love, laughter, and happy endings. But her dreams changed dramatically when she became pregnant at age thirteen, a reality only compounded by the fact that her father, Bishop T.D. Jakes, was one of the most influential megachurch pastors in the nation. As a teen mom and a high-profile preacher's kid, her road was lonely. She was shunned at school, gossiped about at church. And a few years later, when a fairy-tale marriage ended in a spiral of hurt and rejection, she could have let her pain dictate her future.

Instead, she found herself surrounded by a God she'd given up on, crashing headlong with Him into a destiny she'd never dreamed of. Sarah's captivating story, unflinchingly honest and deeply vulnerable, is a vivid reminder that God can turn even the deepest pain into His perfection.

More than a memoir, Lost and Found offers hope and encouragement. Perhaps you, like Sarah, find yourself wandering the detours of life. Regardless of how lost you feel, you, too, can be found.


"This is the gushing geyser of truth that may very well ignite your dreams to flourish as you encounter what God does with a child whose parents' prayers are answered in her response to His sovereign call."

Bishop T.D. Jakes

The Author

  1. Sarah Jakes
    漏 Will Sterling

    Sarah Jakes

    Sarah Jakes (www.sarahjakesroberts.com) is a businesswoman, writer, speaker, and media personality. She is the senior editor of the online magazine eMotions and, with her husband, Touré Roberts, ministers to those in the TV, film, and music...

    Continue reading about Sarah Jakes


I had no idea what I was in for when I picked up Lost and Found: Finding Hope in the Detours of Life. The sophomore book project of Sarah Jakes, the younger daughter of Bishop T.D. and First Lady Serita Jakes, this tasteful tell-all is not an airing of dirty laundry so popular in a day of social media call-outs, social media blasts, and general overexposure, but rather a true tale of woe and recovery thanks to the ever-astounding grace of God.

Lost and Found is laced with detours and rest stops which provide the reader with several life lessons that Sarah learned along the way and happily as well as heavily shares with the reader.

Women of all sorts, stations, and ages will be able to connect to this story. Whether teen mom or struggling single mother, women in troubled marriages or ladies in the public eye, as well as that girl who just doesn't seem to fit in will all be able to benefit from Lost and Found.

There were moments in reading Lost and Found that I was heart-warmingly happy, jaw-droppingly shocked, confused, saddened, angered, and a maze of other emotions. In short, I was able to feel what Sarah felt as she wrote the book. There were several situations Sarah shared that I could relate to and and I think the story of Lost and Found is universally relatable.

In reading Lost and Found, you begin to understand we are never meant to fit in. Despite the pressures from peers and society in general, none of us are meant to fit it. God has created each of us with divine purpose in mind and if we take enough detours from the expected highway(s) of life, then we are sure to 'stumble' upon God's divine
purpose for our lives.

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