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series: 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament

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"A fine commentary that will be of significant value especially to pastors, teachers, and students as one of the first commentaries they reach for when they attempt to unpack this Gospel."--Michael J. Wilkins, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

New Testament scholar David Turner offers a substantive yet highly accessible commentary on Matthew in this addition to the BECNT series. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, Turner leads readers through all aspects of the Gospel of Matthew--sociological, historical, and theological--to help them better understand and explain this key New Testament book.

As the first Gospel in the canon, Matthew has received a great deal of attention through the centuries from both scholars and preachers. Turner attempts to stand between the two groups and offer a commentary that is fresh, accessible, and insightful. He emphasizes Matthew as a literary work in its own right (rather than in relation to Mark and Luke) and includes important insights into the Jewish background of this Gospel, explaining Matthew in the context of Second Temple Judaism as a book for Christian Jews living among non-believing Jews.

As with all BECNT volumes, Matthew features the author's own translation of, and detailed interaction with, the original Greek text. The user-friendly interior design includes shaded-text chapter introductions summarizing the key themes of each thought unit and their connection to what precedes and follows. This commentary admirably achieves the dual aims of the series--academic sophistication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility--making it a useful tool for students, professors, and pastors.

About the series: The 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT) series provides commentaries that blend scholarly depth with readability, exegetical detail with sensitivity to the whole, and attention to critical problems with theological awareness.


"This is a solid, streamlined treatment of Matthew that gets to the heart of the key issues in each passage and avoids turning itself into a multivolume commentary, like so many recent offerings on the Greek text of one of the Gospels. But it still addresses almost all the details for which preachers and teachers typically want guidance. Turner, moreover, shows just how close a progressive dispensationalist can come to mainstream evangelical perspectives; only rarely will nondispensationalists find themselves disagreeing with him. Warmly recommended."--Craig L. Blomberg, distinguished professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary

Praise for the series:
"This series has set a new standard in reader-friendliness with its attractive presentation that combines detailed exegetical comment on the Greek text with accessibility for those who have little or no knowledge of the original language of the New Testament."--I. Howard Marshall, University of Aberdeen

The Authors

  1. David Turner

    David Turner

    David L. Turner (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of New Testament and systematic theology at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. He is the author of the Matthew commentary in Cornerstone Biblical Commentary.

    Continue reading about David Turner

  2. David L. Turner

    David L. Turner

    David L. Turner (PhD, Hebrew Union College) is professor of New Testament and systematic theology at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary. He is the author of the Matthew commentary in Cornerstone Biblical Commentary.

    Continue reading about David L. Turner


"David Turner has been authoring articles on Matthew with some frequency for nearly two decades, and this excellent commentary shows the great benefit derived from decades of familiarity with primary and secondary literature. . . . Turner writes from the so-called 'progressive dispensational' perspective. . . . The results of such a shift away from classic dispensationalism are salutary from an exegetical standpoint and greatly encouraging with respect to the future of evangelicalism. One hopes that such a volume can aid in moving Christian scholarship, congregations, and institutions beyond certain ecclesial and eschatological divides of previous generations. . . . [The text] is far more accessible than . . . many other Matthew commentaries. . . . In many respects the utility of Turner's work and insights therein (especially for pastors and teachers) competes favorably with the best commentaries on Matthew. Graced with many nice quotes from other authors and Turner's own pleasant prose, this commentary will greatly aid those engaged in the construction of preaching outlines and assembling of exegetical insights. Finally, this marvelous commentary is also all but error-free."--Jason B. Hood, Themelios

"[This commentary] brings sound scholarship within the Evangelical theological and ecclesial tradition. The level of the commentary stands between the popular and the scholarly, drawing on more technical approaches but focusing on the message of Matthew."--Donald Senior, CP, The Bible Today

"David Turner's Matthew is a good, thorough, evangelical commentary focusing on this Gospel rather than on perceived changes from Mark. He does a good job with Matthew's use of the OT."--Ray Van Neste, Preaching

"This work rates as perhaps in the top three among exegetical efforts on Matthew so far. . . . On most aspects a user will find a good grasp of things presented in a readable way, even though they are at times concise. . . . Turner has fulfilled his assignment with a diligent awareness in many cases. His work should take its place among detailed evangelical works, which in most passages pretty consistently offer well-seasoned comment."--James E. Rosscup, Master's Seminary Journal

"[The BECNT] series is important as a resource for preachers who are committed to substantial exegetical work in preparation for exposition. Turner's commentary takes the literary structure of Matthew with great seriousness and will be of tremendous assistance to preachers seeking to understand recent scholarship in the first Gospel."--Preaching

"Before readers reach for one of the larger and more expensive Matthew commentaries, they should first familiarize themselves with David Turner's new volume and three reasons why it too deserves pastoral and scholarly attention. First, while other commentaries excel at either historical, exegetical, or theological analysis, Turner, in keeping with the aims of the BECNT series, synthesizes all of these emphases. . . . Second, while Turner pays some attention to source-criticism, his concerns are largely with the text as-is. . . . Finally, Turner, a proponent of progressive dispensationalism, employs the hermeneutic throughout his exposition. . . . All theologically minded students, pastors, and scholars should consult Turner's Matthew commentary."--John K. Goodrich, Theological Book Review

"This is a readable and engaging commentary on Matthew and the synthetic method does yield reward, sometimes allowing a much broader reflection on Christology and soteriology than is often found in commentary work. The book is also suitable for a broad readership: Turner's writing style is easy to follow and clear, the Greek text is represented in both Greek characters and in transliteration and, finally, the introduction sets out most of the key critical issues that we would expect a student of Matthew's Gospel to be aware of. The commentary, then, will provide a very useful resource for the classroom and for the pastor. For the academic, it may just throw up a few gems that other commentators have neglected."--Grant Macaskill, Journal for the Study of the New Testament

"[Turner] interacts with current critical scholarship and helps the reader navigate the various scholarly and exegetical options, but always with an eye to exposing the message of Matthew. . . . Turner attempts to explain Matthew's Gospel in the context of Second Temple formative Judaism(s). . . . [This] significant feature of Turner's commentary is to be recognized as a real strength. His doctoral training in both Christian and Jewish graduate schools enables him to have insights into both historical traditions. . . . I commend Turner for producing a fine commentary that will be of significant value especially to pastors, teachers, and students as one of the first commentaries they reach for when they attempt to unpack this Gospel. He does not become bogged down in minute detail or in tendentious scholarly debates but carefully surfaces the important issues. He has a warm spirit, a pleasant style of writing, and a pastoral heart to guide readers into the essential message of Matthew's Gospel."--Michael J. Wilkins, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

"Turner is especially concerned that his work will serve the needs of the church. The writing's clear style and thoughtful theological observations contribute to this goal. . . . The benefit of [his] methodology is that Turner interprets the Gospel of Matthew on its own terms. . . . He provides both analysis and synthesis with the aim of supplying a comprehensive yet concise summary of historical-exegetical and literary-theological issues. . . . This [is] one of the more commendable features of the commentary, for Turner succinctly summaries the most essential theological aspects of a passage. . . . He should be commended for producing a fine commentary for both scholars and pastors alike. . . . Highly recommend[ed]."--Michael L. Bryant, Southeastern Theological Review

"[Turner] engages the text with a critical and informed knowledge of exegetical debates, and he usually provides solid guidance for Matthew's readers. . . . The commentary proper is clearly structured. . . . The discussion of topics arising from the text is evenhanded and exhibits a thorough knowledge of secondary literature. . . . The commentary is expository in the best sense of the word. Readers will be able to follow all the important exegetical discussions. . . . Pastors and ministers . . . will find here much to appreciate and above all an easy and concise access to the Gospel and its problems of interpretation."--Boris Repschinski, SJ, Catholic Biblical Quarterly

Praise for the series:

"In this age of unprecedented proliferation of biblical commentary series, it is an outstanding accomplishment for the 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料 Exegetical series consistently to have produced what with only rare exceptions have become the best available commentaries on the Greek text of the New Testament book or books treated."--Craig Blomberg, Denver Journal

"Rigorous exegesis by seasoned scholars with explicit evangelical commitments. This is also one of the best-designed, easy-to-read series as it includes intro matters, then each commentator's translation, commentary, and textual notes for every passage. Very reliable."--Bruce Riley Ashford and Grant Taylor, Between the Times blog