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Models of Evangelism

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Outreach 2021 Resource of the Year (Theology and Biblical Studies)

Many sincere Christians dismiss evangelism due to enduring evangelistic caricatures. This book helps readers move beyond those caricatures to consider thoughtfully and practically how they can engage in evangelism, whether it's through one-on-one conversations, social media, social justice, or the liturgy of worship services.

At once biblical, theological, historical, and practical, this book by a seasoned scholar offers an engaging, well-researched, and well-organized presentation and analysis of eight models of evangelism. Covering a breadth of approaches--from personal evangelism to media evangelism and everything in between--Priscilla Pope-Levison encourages readers to take a deeper look at evangelism and discover a model that captures their attention. Each chapter introduces and assesses a model biblically, theologically, historically, and practically, allowing for easy comparison across the board. The book also includes end-of-chapter study questions to further help readers interact with each model.

1. Personal
2. Small Group
3. Visitation
4. Liturgical
5. Church Growth
6. Prophetic
7. Revival
8. Media


"Models of Evangelism is an insightful, thought-provoking, inspiring, and practical guide for all who are interested in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ today. Really a terrific book!"

Adam Hamilton, senior pastor, The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection

"The familiar faces of evangelism are hot, coercive mantras and cool, manipulative marketeering. Priscilla Pope-Levison will have none of that! Instead, she provides a rich, comprehensive taxonomy of the various spheres of evangelism, each of which reaches out in hospitable ways to different populations. She is deeply informed on the subject and offers judicious commentary along the way. Her aim throughout this instructive study is immediately practical for those who want to get on with the task. This book will be for a long while the state-of-the-art articulation on this urgent subject. It is a welcome articulation!"

Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary

"Churches often struggle with how to convince members to engage in evangelism and the best ways to equip them to be effective evangelists. It is no easy task. Models of Evangelism is both welcome and refreshing in so many ways. Dr. Priscilla Pope-Levison, my friend, mentor, former professor and advisor, has found a way to integrate the practical with the theoretical while embracing the spiritual aspects of evangelism. Rather than offer a long checklist of dos and don'ts, she paints a powerful portrait of what good evangelism and good evangelists look like and lets the reader know how they can embody these traits. This book not only offers biblical, theological, historical and practical foundations for each of the models it features but also presents distinct and realistic ways for Christians to witness to others with confidence and in their own voice. Pope-Levison also does not shy away from the difficulties in evangelizing to others, making this book a much-needed tool for church and lay leaders to re-engage (or engage for the first time) in going forth and telling the world to 'come and see' a man named Jesus who turned the world upside down and can transform their very lives. I hope church and lay leaders will include Models of Evangelism in their evangelism classes and trainings, and encourage everyone in their church to read, embrace, and be inspired by it!"

Leslie Copeland-Tune, ordained Baptist minister and chief operating officer of the National Council of Churches USA

"This is a landmark contribution to the literature on evangelism. Steeped in detailed historical study, written with grace and wit, and informed by years of reflection, Pope-Levison's book gives us a splendid overview of our options for evangelism. In addition, Pope-Levison writes with deep affection for evangelists and for the work of evangelism. There is no note of abject apology; no hand-wringing about past failures; no moralistic effort to make us feel guilty. The author simply draws us into an attractive vision of what has been done in the past and what can be done in the future. And to crown all its virtues, the volume is user friendly and utterly accessible. It is a total pleasure to recommend it without hesitation or qualification."

William J. Abraham, Outler Professor of Wesley Studies and University Distinguished Teaching Professor, Southern Methodist University

"Combining a history of evangelism in America and sound, Wesleyan theology with her extensive knowledge of the church and her passion for spreading the good news of Christ, Priscilla Pope-Levison has given us one of the decade's best books on evangelism. With her models for evangelism, she shows the rich variety of ways that Christians have found to go public with their faith as well as offering today's churches the practical guidance for how to talk about and show Christ in our day. With Pope-Levison's guidance, you are sure to find a model that works for you and your congregation. This is the right book at the right time by the right Christian leader."

Will Willimon, professor of the practice of Christian ministry, Duke Divinity School; author of Aging

"Grounded in history, experience, and sound exegesis, Pope-Levison's book offers eight models for evangelism. For some Christians, this book will represent something of a revelation because the author is unapologetic about the mandate for evangelism. For others, it will enrich, and no doubt complicate, their understanding of evangelism by pointing out the essential nature of traditional Christian virtues such as hospitality, relationship, and integrity. Models of Evangelism is an excellent and thought-provoking book."

Randall Balmer, Episcopal priest and John Phillips Professor in Religion, Dartmouth College

The Author

  1. Priscilla Pope-Levison

    Priscilla Pope-Levison

    Priscilla Pope-Levison (PhD, University of St. Andrews) is research professor of practical theology at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, in Dallas, Texas. She is the author of several books, including the award-winning Building...

    Continue reading about Priscilla Pope-Levison


Outreach 2021 Resource of the Year (Theology and Biblical Studies)


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