No Better Mom for the Job

Parenting with Confidence (Even When You Don鈥檛 Feel Cut Out for It)

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Do you wonder if another mom would do a better job in your shoes?

Becky Keife knows the ups and downs of motherhood and how easy it is to feel inadequate. But she's learned along the way that it doesn't work to just do more or try to be better. True confidence comes from the One who made you a mother.

If you're tired of trying to muster up enough creativity, joy, and patience by your own sheer grit; if you long to be known and seen, for your struggles to be validated, your blessings to be celebrated, and your soul to be strengthened--lean in. Through these pages you will discover the power to:

· Cultivate deep friendships that enrich your mothering
· Understand the unique wiring of you and your child
· Grow a vibrant faith in and through the demands of motherhood
· and so much more!

Whether by birth or adoption, God made you the mom of your kid on purpose for a purpose. And He wants to bring new life to your motherhood and fresh hope to your soul.

"This book is a must-read for moms who are looking for that mentor-voice to speak wisdom into unsure places."--SARAH MAE, author of The Complicated Heart

"Becky had me laughing and crying within minutes. She gracefully breathes courage into the souls of weary moms. I'll be gifting this book, a pack of diapers, and a box of tissues to every new mom I know."--ANJULI PASCHALL, founder of The Moms We Love Club

Becky Keife is the community manager for DaySpring's (in)courage, a widely followed online community of Christian women. She also speaks regularly to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) groups and at other women's events. Becky is a huge fan of Voxer, Sunday naps, and moms in the thick of it. She and her husband live near Los Angeles, where they enjoy hiking sunny trails with their three spirited sons.


"Becky is not only a gifted writer, but with No Better Mom for the Job, she tenderly and confidently teaches and affirms truths that embolden a flailing mother's heart. This book is a must-read for moms who are looking for that mentor-voice to speak wisdom into unsure places."

Sarah Mae, author of The Complicated Heart

"Becky had me laughing and crying within minutes. She gracefully breathes courage into the souls of weary moms. I'll be gifting this book, a pack of diapers, and a box of tissues to every new mom I know."

Anjuli Paschall, founder of The Moms We Love Club

"No Better Mom for the Job is one of the most practical and applicable books for mothers today. You'll get more out of these pages than mere knowledge. You'll receive courage--courage to show up for this important job each day; courage to reach out and make friends and accept help; and courage to practice presence over perfection with your loved ones. This is a book you'll want to share with your friends, so grab an extra copy while you're at it!"

Wendy Speake, coauthor of Triggers and Parenting Scripts, and author of The 40-Day Sugar Fast

"Becky Keife's heartfelt book is a reminder that the simplest acts leave the greatest impact. Her writing is tender and relatable, like a letter from a trusted friend. No Better Mom for the Job is delightful!"

Jessica N. Turner, author of The Fringe Hours and Stretched Too Thin

"In No Better Mom for the Job, Becky Keife puts into words what every mom feels but few have the courage to confess. Then, like a wise friend, she offers a refreshing perspective and practical action steps to find peace, purpose, and confidence in being the very best mom for our job."

Monica Swanson, author of Boy Mom

"Becky Keife gives the most beautiful life ring of hope to every mama waiting to feel adequate enough for motherhood. Her brave words, wrapped in truth, will inspire and encourage any woman in any season of motherhood. Every page is a wonder, inviting us to live in the present and embrace the children we each have been uniquely given, one simple step and one simple prayer at a time. There's beauty and hope for every mom."

September McCarthy, author of Why Motherhood Matters

The Author

  1. Becky Keife

    Becky Keife

    Becky Keife is the community manager for DaySpring's (in)courage, a widely followed online community where authentic, brave women connect deeply with God and others. She is a popular speaker and the author of the Bible study Courageous Kindness and the...

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