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Resurrection and Renewal

Jesus and the Transformation of Creation

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The resurrection of Jesus from the dead lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It is the turning point of history, with far-reaching implications for our understanding of what God is doing in the world.

Resurrection and Renewal is a fresh contribution by an award-winning scholar to the study of Jesus's resurrection. The book is not an apologetic; rather, it takes the resurrection as a given reality and examines what the Bible says about it. Murray Rae surveys the Gospel accounts, looks at the resurrection as the fulfillment of God's Old Testament promises to Israel, and examines how the resurrection reshaped the life of the apostle Paul and informed his theology. He explores how resurrection influences our understanding of Christ, salvation, the future, mission, the church, and the unfolding purpose of history. Attention is given to its implications for Christian living and ethics, the nature of Christian community, and the promises of Christian hope. This is invigorating reading for all who desire greater understanding of participation in the resurrection life made possible through the risen Lord.

1. The Evangelical Witness
2. Promise Fulfilled
3. Life Transformed
4. This Jesus Whom You Crucified
5. Creation Made New
6. Resurrection and History
7. Resurrection and Ethics
8. Life in Community
9. Resurrection and Christian Hope


"This is the most important and, indeed, exciting book on the resurrection to have emerged in half a century. Whereas many focus on the associated historical debates, very few explore in depth the central place of the resurrection in God's purposes of reconciliation and transformation. Rigorous biblical scholarship and profound theological insight define the discussion throughout. Intellectually rigorous and incisive, it is also lucid and accessible. This is obligatory reading for theologians and an ideal seminar text. But it should also be read by all those who are serious about understanding the defining affirmation at the heart of the Christian faith and its radical significance."

Alan J. Torrance, emeritus professor of theology, University of St. Andrews

"In this beautifully written, biblically rooted, and theologically rich work, Murray Rae explores the demand the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ places on scholars and Christians alike. Highlighting God's agency and the work of the Spirit in this 'utterly new starting point for our understanding of what is going on in the world,' Rae offers a refreshing vision for the academy and the church. His compelling insights into the grace and power of God for renewal through the resurrection bring life, light, and hope to the conversation."

Lucy Peppiatt, principal, Westminster Theological Centre

"Jesus's resurrection marks the transformation of all things. How this is so is the focus of Murray Rae's refreshing study, which works intimately with Christian Scripture to show what we might say and how we might live because Jesus has been raised from the dead. Resurrection and Renewal is both learned and theologically formative, even edifying, as befits theological engagement with the central claim that 'Christ is risen.'"

Joel B. Green, senior professor of New Testament interpretation, Fuller Theological Seminary

"Dogmatically and scripturally rich, Murray Rae's Resurrection and Renewal traces the cosmic logic of life that the resurrection of Jesus brings. Written in an accessible style, this book edifies as much as it educates, reminding and demonstrating to readers that the resurrection of Jesus has truly changed everything."

Christa L. McKirland, lecturer in systematic theology, Carey Baptist College; executive director, Logia International

"Accepting Murray Rae's invitation to read this book not as an apologetic for the resurrection but as an exercise in faith seeking understanding, one is treated handsomely to biblical exegesis and theology that resonate with the practice of the theological interpretation of Scripture. Most importantly, one is reminded afresh of the cruciality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ for all that God is doing in this world, in its past, present, and future."

Edmund Fong, lecturer, Trinity Theological College

The Author

  1. Murray A. Rae

    Murray A. Rae

    Murray A. Rae (PhD, University of London) is professor of theology at the University of Otago and an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. He is the author of five books and has contributed to or edited many more. His scholarly...

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