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Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered, 2nd Edition

Growing in Christ through Community

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Most books on spiritual formation focus on the individual. But spiritual formation is at the heart of the church's whole purpose for existence. It must be a central task for the church to carry out Christ's mission in the world. This book offers an introduction to spiritual formation set squarely in the local church. The first edition has been well received and widely used as a textbook. The second edition has been updated throughout, incorporates findings from positive psychology, and reflects an Augustinian formation perspective.

Foreword by Dallas Willard
1. Formation through the Ordinary: The Pathway to Flourishing in Christ
2. Curriculum for Christlikeness: Imitation of Christ as the Means and Glorious End of Formation
3. Receiving: Formation of the Heart by Grace for the Broken and Thirsty
4. Remembering: Remembering What God Sings over You
5. Responding: Love and Service to God and Others 
6. Relating: Spiritually Enriching Relationships of Love and Service 
7. High-Impact Practices: Proven Community Practices That Foster Formation
Appendix: Assessment Questions


"Always a creative practitioner of spiritual formation, Wilhoit now gives us a nuanced reasoning for why and how it works and a practical approach to accomplish it in the church."

Jan Johnson, president, Dallas Willard Ministries

"As I read through Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered, I found myself smiling. Wilhoit beckons the church to focus its attention on the grace-filled mission of forming disciples or apprentices of Jesus and letting other things flow out of this fundamental orientation. This insight is wise and prudent, and it directly addresses the spiritual consumerism that has infected so many churches. I see Dallas Willard nodding his head in agreement! Wilhoit's book will profit pastors as they seek to follow Jesus's great commission and every precious person who longs to be more deeply formed into the image of Jesus."

Chris Hall, president, Renovaré

"Spiritual formation is the task of the church. Wilhoit clearly explains and develops this foundational principle in this book. The title accurately identifies individualism as the problem with many Western approaches to spiritual formation while also noting that the church community provides a biblical path that better represents authentic spiritual formation. I have used the first edition in different settings, and I'm thrilled for the excellent improvement in this second edition. I will definitely use this book in my teaching ministry and recommend it to others!"

Octavio Esqueda, professor of Christian higher education, Talbot School of Theology

"Wilhoit reminds us afresh that God's strategic purpose for the church rides on a robust Christian Spiritual Formation (CSF) process predicated on Scripture. This process is hardly a solo endeavor but rather one anchored in the richness of community within an active and God-glorifying church context. Through a 'culture of formation,' the church needs to be a place of safety, trust, transparency, and grace where the Holy Spirit has the liberty to transform lives into Jesus's likeness. Loaded with practical applications, this second edition highlights how the church is to take its rightful place as the incubator of CSF."

Diane J. Chandler, author of Christian Spiritual Formation: An Integrated Approach to Personal and Relational Wholeness

"Authentic formation is centered on Christ and Scripture. From our understanding of being God's beloved, we are spiritually empowered to have healthy relationships in our families, churches, communities, and beyond. Whether we experience joy or suffering, love or doubt, blessings or challenges, Wilhoit desires that we are mindful of the presence of God's transformative power in the various vicissitudes of our lives. Jesus came so that we could have a spiritually formative encounter with him. Wilhoit's passion for individuals to live a life of authenticity is evident in this book. Because of his faithfulness to a spirit of excellence, he has written a resourceful book, and consequently, the world will be a much better place for all!"

Barbara L. Peacock, founder, Barbara L. Peacock Ministries; author of Soul Care in African American Practice

"For anyone who has ever thought that the way we 'do church' is missing something, this book is a godsend. Wilhoit reclaims the New Testament vision of local congregations being conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others. Unless we gather to be formed, nothing else we attempt to do as God's people will amount to much. As Jesus says, 'Apart from me you can do nothing' (John 15:5). In this second edition, Wilhoit has refined and strengthened his arguments--his wisdom--for how local gatherings of God's people are designed to be the nonnegotiable relational context for Christian formation and, thereby, mission. This book is my go-to for what Christian formation should look like in local churches."

Steve L. Porter, professor of spiritual formation and theology, Biola University; editor, Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care

"Christian spiritual formation is often reduced to personal practices and individual faith without an awareness of its communal nature. Wilhoit provides a corrective by developing an ecclesiology that situates spiritual formation in faith communities and the broader social context. As broken people participate in communal practices such as worship, discipleship, and service, by God's grace they receive forgiveness, healing, and renewal. In a communal view of spiritual formation, Christians are not formed for themselves but for the sake of others, and are to engage in God's redemptive work in the world. I highly recommend Wilhoit's thesis of placing the church as the curriculum for spiritual formation because of its transformative power!"

Mark A. Maddix, dean, School of Theology and Christian Ministry, professor of practical theology, Point Loma Nazarene University

Praise for the First Edition

"Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered is the mature fruit of a devout scholar. Here Wilhoit weaves theory, passion, and practice together into a rich re-presentation of the gospel for the local church. He takes the discussion about spiritual formation an important step forward, shifting the emphasis from private pursuit to corporate culture. Sensitive to the seldom-noticed dangers along the path of growth toward Christlikeness, this book is loaded with wisdom for those who desire to facilitate communities of formation."

Evan Howard, author of A Guide to Christian Spiritual Formation

"Wilhoit has written a book of special urgency for our times. In it he addresses the central problem facing the contemporary church in the Western world and worldwide, the problem of how to routinely lead its members through a path of spiritual, moral, and personal transformation that brings them into authentic Christlikeness in every aspect of their lives. . . . He helps any serious person engage the project from where they are, discover what really works for Christlikeness and what doesn't, and assess outcomes realistically to make needed adjustments as they go."

Dallas Willard† (from the foreword)

"From the first stunning sentence in Wilhoit's book--'The church exists to carry out Christ's mission in the world'--I was hooked. Wilhoit captures the journey and struggle of spiritual growth through the life and invitations of Jesus Christ. This lovely work nourished my heart, instructed my mind, and opened my spirit to the Spirit of Christ."

Adele Calhoun, copastor of spiritual formation, Highrock Church, Arlington, Massachusetts

The Author

  1. James C. Wilhoit

    James C. Wilhoit

    James C. Wilhoit (PhD, Northwestern University) is emeritus professor of Christian education at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, where he taught for over thirty-five years. He is the author or coauthor of numerous books, including Effective Bible...

    Continue reading about James C. Wilhoit


2022 Martin Institute/Dallas Willard Center Book Award Finalist

Praise for the First Edition

"The title of this tightly woven, consistently challenging meditation on Christian spiritual formation serves notice that this book is going to be more than another self-help manual. . . . This skilled writer uses many pedagogical tools to keep his audience focused. Clearly written from an evangelical perspective, this cogent and passionate book deserves to have wide appeal."

Publishers Weekly (starred review)


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