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Still Sovereign

Contemporary Perspectives on Election, Foreknowledge, and Grace

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"A very good book. The constant references to Bible passages rather than to theological works make it easy for the layperson to understand. This book should be mandatory reading for all of our theological students."--Arie Blok, Reformed Review

The relationship between divine sovereignty and the human will is a topic of perennial theological dispute and one that is gaining increased attention among contemporary evangelicals.

In Still Sovereign, thirteen scholars write to defend the classical view of God's sovereignty. According to the editors, "Ours is a culture in which the tendency is to exalt what is human and diminish what is divine. Even in evangelical circles, we find increasingly attractive a view of God in which God is one of us, as it were, a partner in the unfolding drama of life. . . . In contrast, the vision of God affirmed in these pages is of one who reigns supreme over all, whose purposes are accomplished without fail, and who directs the course of human affairs, including the central drama of saving a people for the honor of his name, all with perfect holiness and matchless grace."

The fourteen chapters of Still Sovereign (originally part of the two-volume, The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will) are divided into three parts. Part 1 offers fresh exegesis of the biblical texts that bear most directly on the doctrines of election, foreknowledge, and perseverance of the saints. Part 2 explores theological and philosophical issues related to effectual calling, prevenient grace, assurance of salvation, and the nature of God's love. The final section applies the doctrines of election and divine sovereignty to Christian living, prayers, evangelism, and preaching.


"This is a valuable series of essays concerning contemporary perspectives on election, foreknowledge, and grace. These are written by some of the most respected scholars representing mainline Calvinism. They should be very effective in countering a very damaging tendency among some authors to minimize God's sovereignty and deny his omniscience. I wholeheartedly support these essayists in their presentation."--Roger Nicole, Visiting Professor of Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

"An important restatement of the orthodox understanding of God's sovereignty in the face of serious challenges to that doctrine in the contemporary church."--Douglas Moo, Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

"American evangelicals often resort to polemics, power-plays, and politics to deal with dissenting opinions in their midst rather than using polite but convincing refutation from scholars. This volume is a pleasant exception to this trend, bringing back into print a number of outstanding essays reflecting a biblical and Calvinist approach to the sovereignty, omnipotence, and omniscience of God. The ball is now clearly in the court of the "openness of God" movement to show that their perspectives are better grounded in Scripture."--Craig L. Blomberg, Professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary

"These essays return the discussion of divine sovereignty to its proper home where it matters most - the reverent reflection on God's saving grace and effectual love, in which dogmatics issues in doxology - and root the practice, prayer, and preaching of God's Lordship over all of life squarely in the biblical witness."--Kevin Vanhoozer, Blanchard Professor of Theology, Wheaton College and Graduate School

"This book makes a compelling case that Calvinist soteriology is biblical soteriology, and in so doing secures for us a view of God that is awesome and entirely adequate for the dilemmas and pains of our postmodern world."--David F. Wells, Academic Dean, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

The Authors

  1. Thomas R. Schreiner

    Thomas R. Schreiner

    Thomas R. Schreiner (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and professor of biblical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He has taught at SBTS for...

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  2. Bruce A. Ware

    Bruce A. Ware

    Bruce A. Ware is associate dean of the school of theology and director of professional studies at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

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"This is a very good book. The constant references to Bible passages rather than to theological works make it easy for the layperson to understand. This book should be mandatory reading for all of our theological students. Then perhaps we could hear more sermons preached in our churches that are specifically Reformed in character."--Arie Blok, Reformed Review

"Schreiner and Ware, are to be commended for producing a fine collection of essays."-Ashland Theological Journal

"The issue of Calvinism versus Arminianism has been around for centuries and shows no signs of going away. Rather, it is increasingly becoming a bone of contention in a number of Southern Baptist churches. This book will not settle all the arguments, but those who read it carefully will find a thoughtful statement of Calvinistic positions which should at least clarify the differences. I am glad the publisher decided to reprint these essays and am pleased to commend it to those who want an accurate presentation of Calvinistic perspectives."-Faith & Mission