Strong in Battle

Why the Humble Will Prevail

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Your battle is real, but Jesus has won the war

What you believe determines how well you'll fight. Your understanding of who God is and who you are in His Kingdom makes all the difference when the enemy attacks, whether he's coming after your health, your finances, your relationships, or anything else. And though it sometimes seems like the enemy is winning the day, God Himself will have the final word. 
Strong in Battle is about how to gain victory in your hardships and overcome obstacles you face in this life. God is training your hands for battle and your dependence on Him is your superpower, leading to better discernment and more power, wisdom, and authority. Intimacy with God will lead to love overcoming fear, which will help you fight with more courage, joy, and strength.  

The battle is real; you're not imagining it. And this book's practical battle strategies will help you arise victorious with a stronger sense of who you are and what you possess through Jesus Christ. So fear not--you're on the winning side. 


"I have loved Susie for a long time. I am always moved and strengthened by her walk with Christ and subsequent writings. In this new book, Susie gives us a fresh call to rise up and follow Christ with bold faith and humble hearts. This is a book for this moment in our history."

Sheila Walsh, co-host of Life Today

"Susie Larson has done it again! With her winsome style, biblical roots, practical application, and from-the-heart communication, she's given all of us a clear pathway to fight the good fight, keep the faith, and run the race with endurance. I highly recommend it!"

Chip Ingram, teaching pastor/CEO of Living on the Edge and author of I Choose Peace

"Captivating writing alongside challenging faith will ignite your desire to stand Strong in Battle in Susie Larson's latest. I underlined so many things in this interactive and practical book. Deeply encouraging."

Tessa Afshar, Publishers Weekly bestselling author

"As children of God, we've always been in a battle, but many of us didn't realize its intensity until 2020. Now we know we've got to get our faith-boots fortified. This book is for such a time as now. Susie Larson is a fountain of 'spiritual intelligence.' As someone who learned to 'stand up' in my own soldier-boots through her wise counsel, I have walked with Susie as intercessor and friend for many years. I've witnessed her earning every drop of the rich encouragement you will glean from these pages. I don't know another soul who keeps marching through the trenches under heavy artillery with such confidence in God's promises--and with such integrity. (I've often also noted that her unique strength comes from having her husband, Kevin, standing beside her!) Everyone needs a friend like Susie to champion them on and help them walk victoriously through their own trenches. I highly recommend gathering sisters to grow Strong in Battle together." 

Kathy Schwanke

"Susie has been a longtime mentor to me through her writing and speaking but in recent years has become a dear friend. The way she lives her life in prayer, generosity, humility, and faith inspires me on an almost daily basis. She is a modern-day hero of the faith in my life. The Holy Spirit used this book to remind me how daily battles are won. Several times it reshaped my thinking and changed the course of my day for the better. No matter what you are facing, this book will help you win the daily battles in your life." 

Sarah Strand

"Strong in Battle is such a true source of wisdom, knowledge, guidance, and encouragement because Susie is speaking from a place of experience, and not theory only. The writings and testimonies come from the heart of a woman who has truly encountered the Living God in the center of her enduring battles, upheavals, injustices, and sufferings. Her writing is in such real time that sometimes I feel she is speaking out while in the middle of the boxing ring still actively engaged in throwing and receiving punches! In the midst of this, Susie has seen the Lord up close, heard the Lord's voice loudly and clearly, and most important, continues to lay her life down in surrender and sacrifice to gain the one thing that matters most--true heart intimacy with the Lord. Consistently living from that place, she is a clarion voice and a shining light. Her willingness to humble herself and bare her soul to her readers in a vulnerable way opens a floodgate of the very life, light, and love of Jesus, which becomes a touchpoint bringing forth healing! Her humility also allows her to issue bold and tough challenges to foster maturity in us as well. She is a rare treasure, and so is this book." 

Lynn Ferguson

The Author

  1. Susie Larson
    漏 Tammy Brice Photography

    Susie Larson

    Susie Larson ( is a national speaker, bestselling author, and the host of the daily talk show Susie Larson Live heard on the Faith Radio Network with over 3.5 million downloads. She has written 20 books and numerous articles and has...

    Continue reading about Susie Larson


"This makes for a solid Bible study companion."

Publishers Weekly
