The 40-Day Sugar Fast

Where Physical Detox Meets Spiritual Transformation

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Would you give up sugar to experience the sweet presence of God in your life?

Many of us think that if our bodies become healthier, then we'll be healthier. But a healthy body doesn't do us a lot of good if we are spiritually malnourished. Welcome to the 40-Day Sugar Fast, a process that begins with us giving Jesus our sugar and ends with Jesus giving us more of Himself--the only thing that can ever truly satisfy our soul's deep hunger. On this journey you'll learn how to

· stop fixating on food and fix your eyes on Christ
· pinpoint the triggers that send you running to sugar
· lose weight as you gain faith
· turn to the Most High instead of the next sugar high

If you run to sugar for comfort or reward, eat mindlessly or out of boredom, feel physically and spiritually lethargic, or struggle with self-control, this fast will help you discover not only freedom from your cravings but an entirely new appetite for the good things God has for you.

"More than anything I want to be able to say with Jesus, 'My food is to do the will of him who sent me' (John 4:34). And traveling with Wendy and the 40-Day Sugar Fast community was the beginning of that journey for me."--Lisa-Jo 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料, bestselling author of Meet Me in the Middle, Never Unfriended, and Surprised by Motherhood

Wendy Speake is a trained actress, Bible teacher, speaker, and writer based in California. Coauthor of the popular parenting book Triggers, Wendy hosts her annual 40-Day Sugar Fast online at


"Sick of the scale being the boss of me, I needed a different voice in my head. Then I stumbled upon Wendy's 40-Day Sugar Fast, and suddenly the spiritual connection between food, my heart, and God clicked for me. I started to see food as less of a reward or a temptation and more of a means to align my heart back with God's. Food, like all of His good gifts, should always point us back to the Giver. It shouldn't accuse us or guilt us. It should simply remind us what we need to sustain us. This shift in thinking has taken me forty days and beyond. And I'm so grateful for the mental overhaul more than any pounds lost. More than anything I want to be able to say with Jesus, 'My food is to do the will of him who sent me' (John 4:34). And traveling with Wendy and the 40-Day Sugar Fast community was the beginning of that journey for me."

Lisa-Jo 澳门六合彩开奖记录资料, bestselling author of Meet me in the Middle, Never Unfriended and Surprised by Motherhood

"If Wendy is leading, I want to follow. This woman is exceptionally wise with an impressive earnestness for leading people to the feet of Jesus. She is a highly respected mentor and communicator with a passion for pointing people to what matters most. Wendy is much more than a writer who can string a bunch of nice words on the page. Her words bring real results."

Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of The Happiness Dare and Love Idol

"We all want freedom. We want to break free from habits that haunt us, voices that taunt us, chains that bind us, and emotions that blind us. Wendy's onto something huge here! She speaks with depth and authority from the Word of God, and she knows that the emancipation we're all really longing for is actually a person: Jesus. The 40-Day Sugar Fast helps each participant experience meaningful growth and lasting peace, as it ushers them to a fresh, personal, and satisfying banquet with the One who longs to be their portion."

Gwen Smith, cofounder of Girlfriends in God and author of I Want It All and Broken into Beautiful

"To fast from what we crave in order to find sustaining satisfaction in God is a message for this clamoring culture. And it's a message for me. Wendy's words are for every one of us whose reach for sugar is never enough."

Sara Hagerty, bestselling author of Unseen

"Each day of Wendy Speake's book The 40-Day Sugar Fast shifted my cravings for sweets to the sweet words of Jesus. I couldn't have broken the stronghold of sugar without Wendy's gracious and wise influence in every chapter. A life-changing book to be read over and over again!"

Amber Lia, bestselling coauthor of Triggers and Parenting Scripts

"Too many Christian women today feel trapped by sugar cravings and addiction, wondering if they'll ever break free. Through her annual 40-Day Sugar Fast, Wendy has offered thousands of women, myself included, the opportunity to taste the sweetness of Jesus and experience His bondage-breaking power in their lives. Truly, freedom and fullness are found only in Jesus's presence, and Wendy has proven herself a worthy guide year after year."

Asheritah Ciuciu, author of Full

"I have to share a praise report. I believe that my addiction to sugar is gone for good! I can't believe it's been two years since I last fasted with Wendy and my cravings are not back. God really changed my perspective about sugar and food during those forty days. I did this fast three years in a row, but that time there was real and lasting change! I'm reminded of how Elijah kept going back and looking for rain, and finally he saw a little cloud and then the rain!"

Amy J. Bennett, founder of Abiding Ministries and host of the podcast Feathers

"Wendy Speake is gifted at capturing biblical truth in profoundly relevant ways to help us discover new ways of thinking about not only sugar and our addiction to it but also the strongholds that keep us from experiencing the fullness of God's presence in our lives. If you're ready to fast from sugar so that you can feast on more of God's Word, The 40-Day Sugar Fast is for you."

Elisa Pulliam, biblical transformation and wellness coach at and

The Author

  1. Wendy Speake
    漏 Kim DeLoach

    Wendy Speake

    Wendy Speake is the author of The 40-Day Sugar Fast and The 40-Day Social Media Fast, as well as The 40-Day Fast Journal. Wendy hosts her online 40-Day Sugar Fast every January and her 40-Day Social Media Fast every Lent. She lives just...

    Continue reading about Wendy Speake


40-Day Sugar Fast Testimonials

"Every day for forty days, I said, Jesus, I need You. You are enough. That prayer changed my life."--Chanda T., CA

"I am teary just thinking of where I am now compared to forty days go. I am twenty-nine pounds lighter, my skin and mind are clearer, and (most importantly) I am closer to my one true love, Jesus. He was so good to me during this fast. I have never been able to resist sugar before. And yet, I have not missed it. Oh how He loves me!"--Lynn K., MA

"It's been years since I've gone more than three days without chocolate. I knew this fast was something I needed to do. Chocolate made days doable. Now, I'm learning Jesus makes days doable. And livable. And abundantly full."--Kristin G., TN

"Fasting has unlocked so many doors inside my heart that were closed off for far too long. I have a long way to go with some of the things God has revealed, but for the first time, I feel equipped. I feel ready to put on the full armor, step out onto the battlefield, and fight the good fight. Thank you, Wendy."--Barbara N., MI

"Over these forty days it has been refreshing to not run to sweets every time something went wrong. Since I didn't run to sweets first, Bible verses came to mind when I needed them--at the most appropriate times, in a way I hadn't experienced before. God faithfully showed me that He has been there waiting for me to simply seek Him. I feel like this is just the beginning--I feel that God broke strongholds I've lived with for so many years."--Beth I., CA

"Day 40 of this sugar fast is not the end for me! I have hope and faith that when this is all over, because I have fed on Jesus, I will not ever revert back to my old ways."--Hannah S., Australia

"What an absolute blessing this fast has been for me. I'm sugar FREE!"--Ronda M., CA

"This sugar fast is a direct answer to prayer!"--Anne L., CA

"This has been an amazing journey. The thing I'm most grateful for is that I am walking away with a more intense desire to let Jesus fill my cravings with His Word and not relying on my sweet tooth."--Kyla N., PA

"I fought God so much about my sugar, coffee, TV, and social media .  .  . yet I've given them up and I don't miss them because I have found true satisfaction in Him. My prayer these forty days has been, Lord, I don't want to go back to the same person I used to be. I want to continue to know You more, daily. I need You to satisfy my soul."--Kris D., TX

"God has been so present these forty days. I am beyond grateful. He has been so alive in me and has taken another sin-struggle and helped me through. I could never have done this on my own. I am going to continue feasting on the Lord!"--Michelle O., MI

"I admit that I originally wanted to do the 40-Day Sugar Fast to streamline my dieting process. However, I quickly learned God had so much more in store for me. He called me to Himself in ways I've never experienced before. I get fasting now. I didn't before. I understand why God calls us to it and asks us to rid ourselves of physical desires so we can turn our hearts to Him."--Megan S., CO

"Amazing! I felt led to do the 40-Day Sugar Fast because I needed to quit sugar. Little did I know all the transformation that God had in store for me."--Ashley T., FL

"My skin is less wrinkled and broken out. My stomach has flattened a bit. But internally, I finally feel at peace. I'm not chasing all the things. And it feels so good."--Jaymie M., IL

"I came to this sugar fast specifically as a way to intercede for my family. First, I asked God to heal my two-year-old son, so that he can live without a feeding tube. Second, I needed God to redeem my marriage. Here's the praise: halfway through this fast, my son was taken off the feeding tube, and by the end of the fast, he was gaining weight. And my husband and I are in a good place together! My tummy is a little empty, but my heart is so full!"--Whitnee M., AR
