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The Majesty of God in the Old Testament

A Guide for Preaching and Teaching

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"Kaiser is at his best in the process of analysis. His skill in careful dissection of the passage, his attention to the nuances of meaning, his care to the context, and his awareness of the theological pitfalls make for a fine exhibition of biblical truth. . . . I highly recommend Kaiser's book for its theological insights and helpful exegesis."--Lech Bekesza, Journal of the Evangelical Homiletics Society

God's unsurpassed majesty and greatness is an aspect of biblical truth that is often lacking in contemporary preaching and teaching, and thus often lacking in the consciousness of modern Christians. In The Majesty of God in the Old Testament, respected scholar Walter Kaiser confronts this lamentable deficiency with verve. He suggests that a key way to recapture this important doctrine in the ministry of the church is through the preaching of the Old Testament--itself an oft-neglected or mishandled discipline.

Kaiser shows how today's preacher might address these deficiencies by walking through an exposition of ten great Old Testament passages that are rife with evidence of God's majesty. He also demonstrates how various types of preparatory studies--word, historical/archaeological, thematic, Bible background, and theological--can be used to help pastors make the Old Testament more relevant to their congregations. In addition, he addresses potential problems peculiar to the preaching of the Old Testament. The reader, whether seminary student, preacher, or teacher, will not only be challenged to incorporate such proclamation into his or her ministry but will also be personally uplifted through these studies that magnify God's greatness. 


"Rarely does a book come along that elucidates with both scope and depth the breathtaking splendor of the character of God, all while modeling how to preach and teach the sacred text. Walter Kaiser applies his passion for God's multifaceted majesty with wonderful biblical scholarship and insightful shepherding sensitivity. This work is a window into the grandeur of God, helping us to see that if we refuse to properly proclaim the unequaled God of the Bible correctly, we will never see ourselves, our culture, and his church in the proper light. Kaiser skillfully steers us on the right path to exposit and enjoy these biblical vistas of the Majesty on High."--Dorington G. Little, senior pastor, First Congregational Church, Hamilton, Massachusetts

"Hats off to Walt Kaiser for demonstrating again that, in the end, the Scriptures are about the greatness of God. Using passage after passage of the Old Testament, Kaiser reminds us that the real subject of the Bible is God himself: his marvelous person, his wisdom-filled ways, his loving will. This book will serve as a bracing theocentric tonic for all who are determined to avoid those anthropocentric treatments of Scripture that seem so prevalent today."--Duane Litfin, president, Wheaton College

"Those who preach about the greatness of God do business in deep waters. The Majesty of God in the Old Testament by Walter Kaiser will help all of us who read, teach, or preach to navigate those waters."--Haddon Robinson, author, Biblical Preaching; Harold John Ockenga Professor of Preaching, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

"From a veteran Old Testament scholar come model expositions of ten passages that highlight aspects of the greatness of God, all laid out as resources for preachers and teachers to draw from. These object lessons are truly a breath of fresh air."--J. I. Packer, Board of Governors' Professor of Theology, Regent College

"Walter Kaiser helps readers capture a glimpse of the incredible nature of God as portrayed in the Old Testament. Each chapter features an aspect of God that cumulatively acclaims his majesty and serves as a model for preaching and teaching. Readers will be drawn to the pages of the Old Testament to see and experience the thrill of knowing this great God and being known by him."--Scott M. Gibson, Haddon W. Robinson Professor of Preaching and ministry director of the Center for Preaching, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

"Kaiser unpacks the vast wealth of several key Old Testament passages about God and his glory. These studies are wonderful and instructive examples of how to do biblical exposition and are especially fine examples of how to deal with 'Old Testament' passages. But much more than that, each chapter will bring you face to face with the divine majesty in a powerful and life-changing way. Clear, straightforward, accessible, and precise, this is a superb resource in every way."--John MacArthur, president, Grace to You

"I can't think of anyone better to lift our sight to the stimulating reality of the majesty of God than my friend Walt Kaiser. Unfortunately, God has often been tarnished by the smallness of our minds. Kaiser's winsome yet direct and clear writing will put the magnificent reality of God's glory in its proper perspective."--Joe Stowell, teaching pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel; former president, Moody Bible Institute

The Author

  1. Walter C. Kaiser Jr.

    Walter C. Kaiser Jr.

    Walter C. Kaiser Jr. (PhD, Brandeis University) is president emeritus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. He previously taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and at Wheaton College. Kaiser is active as a preacher,...

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"A powerful challenge to faithful preaching of Old Testament texts. Kaiser offers insights for preaching and outstanding models."--PreachingNow

"This great little book provides a homiletics refresher as Kaiser walks through the study and preaching of 10 Old Testament texts."--Preaching

"[Kaiser is] a giant in OT studies. . . . Kaiser's expertise in the field is now showcased in The Majesty of God [in the Old Testament], filling a void in the presentation of the OT. . . . [This book] serves as an excellent guide/model for exegeting OT texts and drawing appropriate contemporary applications. I highly recommend Kaiser's work to every preacher and teacher who wishes to take the word of God seriously and who is willing to do the spadework of laborious exegesis. Not only is The Majesty of God an excellent model for doing exegesis, it is highly devotional in its content, constantly directing the reader's attention to God's wonder, awesomeness, and majesty."--Martin E. Sheldon, Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

"As a resource for preaching, the Old Testament has been under-utilized, largely because many preachers don't know what to do with it. . . . For this reason, Walter Kaiser's The Majesty of God in the Old Testament is a welcome help. . . . Kaiser offers background help, exegetical comments, and a series of conclusions designed to lead to effective preaching. More than a commentary and more than a series of sermons, these chapters give the preacher enough material to work with while still allowing room for the preacher's own initiative in terms of sermon design and delivery. . . . Of particular interest is the introduction to the book in which Kaiser speaks to some of the issues pertinent to the preaching of the Old Testament."--Kent Anderson, preaching.org

"The commentaries follow the flow of the passage being studied, adding in relevant emphases. . . . Although the focus of this book is spirituality it does delve into scholarship as an aid to reflection and offers a fuller sense of the Old Testament text in its own right, as opposed to how it may be related to Christology."--Mary E. Mills, Theological Book Review

"Preachers will appreciate these examples of fine messages on God's greatness, a theme often lacking among believers today."--Roy B. Zuck, Bibliotheca Sacra

"The book demonstrates Kaiser's expertise as a scholar and his sensitivity as a preacher. Both exegetes and preachers will benefit from it."--Dianne Bergant, CSA, Bible Today

"Walter Kaiser, a veteran evangelical Old Testament scholar, elucidates the splendor of God's character and how one might preach from ten specific Old Testament texts that highlight the greatness of God. Each chapter begins by exploring a key concept, an important term, an archaeological fact, or a word study that adds depth to the understanding of the text at hand. . . . Readers of this journal will find much that is profitable in [Kaiser's] sermon studies."--Reed Lessing, Concordia Journal

"[Kaiser] presents the theological academy and Christian church with [a] welcome volume. In a day when Christianity is often reduced to contentless 'spirituality,' and Christian thinking about the great God of heaven and earth is reduced to trite categories of human reflections, the book is refreshing. Kaiser adeptly handles the intricacies of the OT, working with the profound richness embedded in the Hebrew language that is often lost in translation, making the book a valuable resource for OT scholars. However, even those whose study of these languages is tenuous or even nonexistent will find the book a fertile source for material on OT perspectives about God. . . . Pastors, teachers, and others seeking a rich study on the majesty of God will be amply rewarded by reading this book."--Jo Ann Davidson, Andrews University Seminary Studies

"In his usual magisterial style, Walter Kaiser has added another title to his distinguished collection of books elevating the Old Testament to its rightful place within God's canon, and restoring it to its proper place in our pulpits. . . . His conviction of the relevance of the Old Testament to the lives of believers today is infectious. It serves as a humbling corrective to the church. . . . Kaiser is at his best in the process of analysis. His skill in careful dissection of the passage, his attention to the nuances of meaning, his care to the context, and his awareness of the theological pitfalls, make for a fine exhibition of biblical truth. This is vintage Kaiser--a man well aware of today's hermeneutical preferences--who continues to ably argue for the truth of the authorial intent. . . . I highly recommend Kaiser's book for its theological insights and helpful exegesis."--Lech Bekesza, Journal of the Evangelical Homiletics Society