The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East, Revised and Updated Edition

A Prophetic Gaze into the Future

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You Can Help Compose History before the Throne of the Almighty!

Pages are turning on God's prophetic calendar, approaching that glorious day when His Son will step once again into the world of time and space. What is the key to this timetable? The answer is Israel. And the controversy over her destiny affects every nation on earth.

In an urgent plea for prophetic watchmen, James W. Goll calls you to join the global prayer movement to remind God of His promises toward His ancient covenant people, according to a targeted biblical plan. He discusses fascinating fulfillments to biblical prophecy, right up to the present day; seven reasons to pray and stand for Israel; and guidelines to praying for all the descendants of Abraham--the offspring of Hagar, Sarah and Keturah--Jew and Arab alike.

Join with watchmen worldwide to remind God of His prophetic calendar, and watch as He fulfills His promises to Israel!

"Readers of this edifying and scripturally rich book will learn how to pray and intercede for Israel, as well as see more clearly how what we do personally contributes to the unfolding of these eternal purposes."--Dr. Michael L. Brown, host of the Line of Fire broadcast; author, Has God Failed You?

Portions of this book were previously published in Praying for Israel's Destiny and The Coming Israel Awakening.


"I love the insights and truths James Goll has expressed in The Mystery of Israel and the Middle East. My prayer is that as many read this book, a veil will lift, and they will perceive that everything flows from the center of God's heart--Jerusalem."

Jane Hansen Hoyt, CEO and president, Aglow International

"I have known James Goll for many years. We have a mutual respect and love for one another as prophets of God. James has done a tremendous job of revealing the origination, restoration and destiny of Israel, as I have in my many books showing the origination of the Church and its restoration and destiny. This book will be a great blessing to the Body of Christ."

Bishop Bill Hamon, founder, Christian International Ministry Network; author, Your Highest Calling

"Prophetic statesman James Goll reminds us of a crucially important truth: God is not through with Israel and the Jewish people! Instead, Israel remains central in the unfolding purposes of God, and readers of this edifying and scripturally rich book will learn how to pray and intercede for Israel, as well as see more clearly how the things we do in our own lives, including prayer, worship and evangelism, contribute to the unfolding of these eternal purposes. Read this book and become a co-worker with the Lord."

Dr. Michael L. Brown, host, Line of Fire; author, Our Hands Are Stained with Blood

"This book has some wonderful nuggets of prophetic perspective that will prove helpful for anyone wanting to more deeply grasp God's heart and strategy for His chosen Jewish people. Goll has walked with Israel close to his heart for many decades, and this volume reflects some of the fruit of his heart."

Avner Boskey, Final Frontier Ministries

"James Goll is a dear brother, and I appreciate this timely and relevant book revealing God's heart for Israel and the Middle East. I am pleased to recommend this timely and relevant book as it inspires passionate prophetic intercession for the fullness of restoration of the families of Abraham."

David Demian, facilitator, Watchmen for the Nations

"Goll's insight on Israel and the Middle East through his lens as a prophetic intercessor is a present-truth understanding that came to him by spiritual revelation. His desire is for you to have personal illumination of this mystery that is now being fulfilled in these climactic days. Tiqvah (to look hopefully) is yours to behold as the Holy Spirit encourages you with this masterful work."

Mickey Robinson, co-founder, Prophetic Destiny International

"James Goll is a dear friend. I pay attention to what he shares because he prophesies in the fear of the Lord. James is used as a seer to help the Body of Messiah to see far ahead. He received long ago the heart of God for Israel and for the Isaiah 19 region, which includes Egypt, Israel and most of the Middle East. This book will help you to receive God's heart and understanding as you intercede for this complicated region."

Rick Ridings, founder, Succat Hallel

The Author

  1. James W. Goll
    漏Trenton Allen

    James W. Goll

    Dr. James W. Goll ( is founder of God Encounters Ministries and the bestselling author of more than 50 books and dozens of Bible study guides. An internationally respected prophetic leader, he's shared the love of Jesus in more than 50...

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