The Nations Rage

Prayer, Promise and Power in an Anti-Christian Age

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Our Greatest Days Lie Ahead

How many of us are ready to face, with true faith and courage, the unique challenges of the earthshaking trouble and glory ahead?

While the spiritual atmosphere grows more toxic and society becomes more anti-God, Christians are engaging less and less with their faith in Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit. We do not have to fear the future. But we must not be surprised by it or be unprepared to face it.

In this book, David Sliker helps readers to
· avoid weariness, disillusionment and cynicism, and lean into the Holy Spirit for insight and strength
· contextualize today's news, current events and cultural narratives through the lens of biblical prophecy and the return of Jesus
· look to Jesus and embrace true biblical hope, not self-centered optimism
· prepare for a glorious and victorious future, unfolding in the midst of unprecedented rage, rebellion and resistance

The long journey of the Bride of Christ over the centuries has a stunning apex that will shock the world. God is able to perform breathtaking acts to bring His people into their true destiny. The more we know and love Him, the greater our strength and hope.

"A fountain of genuine apostolic wisdom for all those with ears to hear and eyes to see what is coming."--Joel Richardson, New York Times bestselling author

David Sliker has been an executive leader, speaker and author at the International House of Prayer missions base in Kansas City, Missouri, for nearly twenty years. He is the vice president of International House of Prayer University and ministers around the world to equip saints in prayer and intimacy with God, the power of the Holy Spirit, passion for the Scriptures, and the proclamation of Jesus and His return.


"David Sliker is a man who has poured out his life prayerfully studying the end of this age. This is not a book of popular end-times sensationalism; it is a fountain of genuine apostolic wisdom for all with ears to hear and eyes to see what is coming."

Joel Richardson, New York Times bestselling author and speaker

"David has been always a very insightful student and teacher of the Word, especially concerning the end times. The Nations Rage is going to make you love Jesus' leadership more and see the world system with the right eyes. We truly need books like this that--together with our daily meditation and revelation of the Word of God--will allow us to respond well, as churches, leaders and families, to the return of our Beloved, which is drawing near."

Netz Gómez, senior pastor, Houses of Light Church; founder, Northridge House of Prayer

"My friend David Sliker is one of the brightest minds today when it comes to end-time prophecy. Behold the drama of God's glory poured on the Church, nations revolting against it and God's judgment of their rebellion. Knowing where He's taking us will give you the courage to live wholeheartedly for Him today."

Bob Sorge, author, Secrets of the Secret Place

"I believe that Psalm 2 is one of the most important chapters in the Word of God for this hour. In The Nations Rage, my friend David Sliker has pressed this psalm on us to consider and to humbly respond to accordingly. We are moving into the most glorious and intense hour of human history, and we need help preparing our hearts and minds so that we may respond rightly. I've known and labored with David Sliker for over fifteen years, and I believe that this book, if read on your knees, can literally alter your life and prepare you for this next season."

Corey Russell, author and conference speaker

"Resist the temptation to think this is just another book telling you how corrupted society has become. Honestly, I don't need to be told yet again that things are falling apart. What I need, and have found in this excellent new book, is a biblical analysis of what will happen in the days ahead. With penetrating insight into our current circumstances and the promises of God's Word concerning the future, Sliker charts a course forward. Regardless of your personal views on biblical eschatology, Sliker will challenge you to reexamine your expectations of what is coming to the world in advance of the coming of Christ the King."

Dr. Sam Storms, lead pastor of preaching and vision, Bridgeway Church

"One of the most neglected themes in our pulpits today is the return of the Lord Jesus and the global conditions that will precede it. In The Nations Rage, David Sliker takes the reader on a journey, giving clarity about the seriousness of that hour and confidence in heaven's response. I highly recommend this book to anyone whose heart cries, 'Maranatha!'"

Lee M. Cummings, senior pastor, Radiant Church; founder, Radiant Network; author, Be Radiant and Flourish

"This is a serious book about a serious subject written by a serious student of the Word. While we cannot set dates for the Lord's return, we know that we are living in urgent times, and this book is designed to equip you to be a truth-based, Spirit-empowered overcomer."

Dr. Michael L. Brown, host, The Line of Fire radio broadcast; author, Jezebel's War with America

"Some call it a conspiracy theory. My friend David Sliker calls it biblical prophecy. Dark, sinister forces are even now galvanizing under the guise of human progress and driving toward a globalist world in rebellion against God. God and His Church stand as the one obstacle to their collusion. Thus, the final rage of Satan against the Lord and His anointed. Read this book, prepare spiritually for the days that are rushing upon us and be a part of that glorified Church that overcomes at the end of the age."

Lou Engle, president, Lou Engle Ministries; co-founder, TheCall

David Sliker has been a dear friend of mine for more than a decade. He is one of the most bold, dedicated and passionate men of this generation. I am grateful for his commitment to the advancement of the Kingdom and glory of God. I have watched him study the Word of God, not just for information, but to know the man Jesus Christ. I know his heart for the Church to encounter the beauty of God, displayed through His end-time plan and judgments, is sincere and deeply rooted in love. I believe as you read these words and glean from David's many hours of study and prayer, your heart will be awakened to the beauty and knowledge of God.

Brian Kim, founder, Antioch Center for Training and Sending

The Author

  1. David Sliker

    David Sliker

    David Sliker has been an executive leader, speaker, and author at the International House of Prayer missions base in Kansas City, Missouri, for nearly 20 years. David, who ministers and serves with his wife and their four children, finds his primary calling is...

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