The Smart Stepmom, Repackaged Edition

Practical Steps to Help You Thrive

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You Can Be a Smart Stepmom

In today鈥檚 complicated stepfamily, the stepmom often doesn鈥檛 know where to turn for help. Let stepfamily expert Ron Deal and experienced stepmom Laura Petherbridge show you how to survive and thrive as a stepmom, including:

How to be a positive influence on children who are torn between loyalty to their biological mom and to you.

What to do when you feel ostracized, rejected, or lonely.

When and how to step back during conflict and let your husband take the lead.

How to handle holidays, adult stepchildren, between-home communication, and much more.

Here is the hope, encouragement, and practical information to assure you that you are not alone in the stepmom journey.


"Finally, a book that is realistic and practical for stepmoms. I highly recommend this book."

Gary D. Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages and Love As a Way of Life


"As a stepmom myself, I'm thrilled to find a solid resource that tackles the complex and multifaceted issues associated with being a stepmom."

Kim Alexis, supermodel, speaker, and author

"You'll find respect and a compassionate perspective for problem solving within these pages."

Dr. Margorie Engel, Stepfamily Expert Council (National Stepfamily Resource Center), former president, Stepfamily Association of America

The Authors

  1. Ron L. Deal

    Ron L. Deal

    Ron L. Deal ( and is one of the most widely read and viewed experts on blended families in the country. He is president of Smart Stepfamilies, directs the blended family ministry at FamilyLife, and is the author of...

    Continue reading about Ron L. Deal

  2. Laura Petherbridge

    Laura Petherbridge

    Laura Petherbridge ( is an international speaker, the author of When "I Do" Becomes "I Don't": Practical Steps for Healing During Separation and Divorce, and the coauthor of The Smart Stepmom. She has...

    Continue reading about Laura Petherbridge