Welcome to Adulting

Navigating Faith, Friendship, Finances, and the Future

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You're an adult . . . now what?

Adulting is hard. But sometimes we make it harder than it has to be. Combining entertaining stories from his own experience, insights from the Bible, and compelling evidence from research, Jonathan "JP" Pokluda lays out a roadmap for how to navigate your life as an adult, addressing topics such as:

· friendships and dating
· career and money management
· interpersonal conflict
· controlling anxiety
· recovering from addiction
· discovering your purpose on this earth

If you're struggling to find a footing in the world of adult life, this witty, non-patronizing guide is for you.

"I remember the first time I went grocery shopping, paid a bill, and rented a room. These were all highlights of adulting before the catchphrase was even created. In Welcome to Adulting, Jonathan Pokluda spends less time on the trivial and more time on the transformational. He points the way and gives advice on how to live an adult life that honors our holy God."--Kyle Idleman, pastor and author of Not a Fan and Grace Is Greater

"If I could go back to my twenty-two-year-old self, I would hand her a copy of Welcome to Adulting and tell her to soak up every word. Jonathan so candidly and beautifully breaks down the myths of life after college and leaves us with a roadmap we'll return to again and again, no matter how old we are."--Jennie Allen, author of Nothing to Prove; founder and visionary of the IF:Gathering

Jonathan "JP" Pokluda is teaching pastor at Watermark Community Church and leader of The Porch, an influential gathering of thousands of young adults who come to hear the gospel and get equipped for kingdom purposes.

Kevin McConaghy works as a copywriter for a marketing agency in Dallas, Texas. As an editor and contributor to The Porch blog, he's collaborated with JP on writing projects for a number of years.


"I remember the first time I went grocery shopping, paid a bill, and rented a room. These were all highlights of adulting before the catchphrase was even created. In Welcome to Adulting, Jonathan Pokluda spends less time on the trivial and more time on the transformational. He points the way and gives advice on how to live an adult life that honors our Holy God. I love it! JP's not worried about the adult ways of this world but rather the adult matters that are out of this world. Enjoy the ride."

Kyle Idleman, pastor and author of Not a Fan and Grace Is Greater

"If I could go back to my twenty-two-year-old self, I would hand her a copy of Welcome to Adulting and tell her to soak up every word. Jonathan so candidly and beautifully breaks down the myths of life after college and leaves us with a roadmap we'll return to again and again, no matter how old we are."

Jennie Allen, author of Nothing to Prove; founder and visionary of the IF:Gathering

"I try to only listen to voices that are living what they are saying, and in trenches of real life are learning and loving and serving. JP is one of those guys. This book isn't just an amazing book, which it is, but also one that has been fought for and lived out and extracted from years of pursuing Jesus and helping others. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me!"

Jefferson Bethke, New York Times bestselling author of Jesus > Religion

"JP is a voice to a generation who gets it. In the midst of confusion and half-truths, Welcome to Adulting is a Scripture-soaked survival guide. Read this book and drop your anchor in the blood-bought truth of Jesus."

Nick Hall, founder and chief communicator for PULSE; author of RESET: Jesus Changes Everything

"There aren't many leaders in America who have the experience working with the next generation like Jonathan Pokluda. His voice carries a ton of weight for our church, and I'm so grateful he's put pen to paper on helping shape the future for so many who need a guide! Don't miss this book!"

Clay Scroggins, lead pastor of North Point Community Church

"There is a reason that thousands of young professionals listen when Jonathan Pokluda speaks. He knows the pain of bad choices and dead-end roads, and he knows the thrill of tasting grace and embracing a life of purpose. He has also stood at the crossroads with young men and women in their twenties and thirties for years, helping them find clarity at this critical time of self-discovery and philosophical inquiry. He is a worthy guide for all who are navigating the tempestuous seas of young adulthood. I am grateful he has given this book as a gift to the world."

Ben Stuart, pastor of Passion City Church, DC, and author of Single, Dating, Engaged, Married

"In a world full of self-help books with pages full of how-tos, it's refreshing to see practical wisdom drawn from the deep waters of the Word. Julius Caesar said that 'Experience is the best teacher,' but that should never be an excuse to not be equipped. Pick up Welcome to Adulting and learn how to live in a way that makes life's lessons so much sweeter."

Shane Everett, Shane and Shane Music

"I have watched JP fight for these chapters over the last decade! Mostly in the pages of his own life. My prayer is that God would use them to bring healing and freedom in your life as he has in mine."

Shane Barnard, Shane and Shane Music

"As a new Christian recently graduated from college, I found myself unprepared to deal with many of the monumental, life-altering decisions that were staring me in the face, like manhood, career, dating, purity, accepting and giving grace, and ultimately living out God's biblical purpose for my life. In Welcome to Adulting, my good friend JP speaks truth into these challenges in a way that will make an adult life an abundant life."

Brandon Slay, Olympic wrestling champion and executive director of the Pennsylvania RTC

"One day with Jonathan Pokluda and you will be changed forever. His love for Christ is undeniable, and he shares it with every person he comes in contact with. This boldness he displays daily is something all believers should experience, and this book captures that so well."

Chad Hedrick, Olympic gold medalist and world champion

"I believe JP is one of the leading voices among young adults in our nation today because he speaks with clarity, candor, and conviction. JP's most compelling message, though, is the life he lives. You can't help but sense that JP has tasted and is daily seeking to feast on the freedom and fullness found in wholehearted pursuit of Jesus Christ. For this reason, I believe that Welcome to Adulting is a unique, refreshing, and invaluable compass to anyone navigating the new waters of adulthood."

Timothy Ateek, executive director of Breakaway Ministries

"I don't know of a voice I would trust more to speak to young adults about having a biblical worldview on relationships, work, and life in general than Jonathan Pokluda. Honest. Sincere. Real. This is who JP is and this is how he communicates. Combining personal experiences with wisdom from Scripture, this book will serve as a pathway to spiritual maturity. I highly recommend it for anyone serious about their spiritual growth."

Jarrett Stephens, teaching pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church and author of The Mountains Are Calling

"Jonathan writes from a place of passion for those moving into adulthood here and now. While you may not completely agree with everything, the value of this book is in the discussion it creates. His insights are accessible and simple, and I would recommend this book to all parents and leaders who are tasked with bringing a new generation into adulthood."

Casey Tygrett, author of Becoming Curious: A Spiritual Practice of Asking Questions

"Jonathan Pokluda is one of my favorite communicators to young adults. He doesn't just tell us what we want to hear; he tells us what we need to hear. And I'm constantly amazed with how he can tactfully show my generation how the 'good news' we're so desperately chasing is utterly minuscule compared to the Good News offered in the gospel. Welcome to Adulting is a guide that comes from a posture of vulnerable experience and biblical reassurance that God's way is better. If you're a young adult asking the age-old question, 'God, what is your will for my life?' then this is the book for you."

Grant Skeldon, founder of Initiative Network

"Welcome to Adulting is filled with personal stories and timeless truths all told in a winsome and memorable way that makes every minute spent reading one of the wisest investments a person could make. This is not just a book for the next generation of leaders to read but one that people serious about forming the next generation of leaders should memorize."

Todd Wagner, senior pastor of Watermark Community Church; author of Come and See

The Authors

  1. Jonathan "JP" Pokluda

    Jonathan "JP" Pokluda

    Jonathan "JP" Pokluda is lead pastor of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, and former leader of The Porch, where he saw the ministry grow from 150 to more than 7,000 young adults. The author of the bestselling Welcome to Adulting...

    Continue reading about Jonathan "JP" Pokluda

  2. Jonathan Pokluda
    Andrew Riddle

    Jonathan Pokluda

    Jonathan "JP" Pokluda is lead pastor of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, and former leader of The Porch, where he saw the ministry grow from 150 to more than 7,000 young adults. The author of the bestselling Welcome to Adulting...

    Continue reading about Jonathan Pokluda

  3. Kevin McConaghy

    Kevin McConaghy

    Kevin McConaghy works as a copywriter for a marketing agency in Dallas, Texas. He's been involved with The Porch since the day it first launched, and served in a variety of roles there for over a decade. As an editor and contributor to The Porch blog,...

    Continue reading about Kevin McConaghy


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