Whispers Along the Rails

series: Postcards from Pullman

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Olivia Mott finds herself juggling two jobs: her assistant chef position at Hotel Florence and her undercover work for the Pullman Rail Car Company. Olivia thinks the suggestions she relays to Pullman's town manager are being used to improve conditions for workers and save the company money, but is something much more sinister happening behind the scenes?

Several months have passed since Lady Charlotte fled to Chicago, leaving her infant son in Olivia's care. Now Charlotte's money has run out. A kindly woman offers her a place to live and secures her a position at Marshall Field's store, but Charlotte's heart can't forget the past. Dare she return to Pullman to find out what happened to her baby?

The Author

  1. Judith Miller
    漏 Nathan Ham Photography

    Judith Miller

    Judith Miller is an award-winning writer whose avid research and love for history are reflected in her bestselling novels. Judith and her family make their home in Kansas City, Kansas.

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